
This is a Smashing Magazine clone created on a grayscale heat map of the website that indicates which elements have the greatest weight in the visual hierarchy page.

Primary LanguageHTML

This is a Smashing Magazine clone created on a grayscale heat map of the website that indicates which elements have the greatest weight in the visual hierarchy page.

Screenshots of our clone website


The project is built using Html and Css with an extensive use of the grid, flex and css properties.

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • Font awesome icons

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Clone the project locally.


  1. run npm install.
  2. run npm run test to check the Html and Css files.


Install and run a live server plugin on you IDE/Text editor and run it from the root directory.


👤 Mkrtich Sargsyan

👤 Diego Lira

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.