
A Sony DualShock 4 userspace driver for Linux with basic support of cemuhook's UDP protocol

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


ds4drv is a Sony DualShock 4 userspace driver for Linux.


  • Option to emulate the Xbox 360 controller for compatibility with Steam games
  • Setting the LED color
  • Reminding you about low battery by flashing the LED
  • Using the trackpad as a mouse
  • Custom mappings, map buttons and sticks to whatever mouse, key or joystick action you want
  • Settings profiles that can be cycled through with a button binding

Fork information

  • Added basic implementation of cemuhook's UDP protocol.

This allows to use gyroscope, buttons and axes of DualShock 4 with Cemu over network or locally on any supported Linux distribution.

Implementation is quite dirty, not configurable and have only been tested with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

How to install

The ds4drv driver is written in Python, so it can be installed using pip.

# Install pip on Debian/Ubuntu/etc.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

# Install (or update to) the latest version of ds4drv-cemuhook from GitHub
pip3 install -U https://github.com/TheDrHax/ds4drv-cemuhook/archive/master.zip

How to use

The driver supports all versions of Sony DualShock 4 controllers (I use DS4v2) connected via USB or Bluetooth.

My version of ds4drv has 5 additional command line arguments (all are optional):

  • --udp -- starts UDP server. Without this flag ds4drv acts just like the official version;
  • --udp-host -- tells UDP server to what interface it should bind (default:;
  • --udp-port -- UDP port on which server will be listening (default: 26760);
  • --udp-no-touch -- do not send touchpad touches to UDP clients;
  • --udp-remap-buttons -- an option for those, who doesn’t like Nintendo’s button layout. It just swaps A↔B and X↔Y buttons only for UDP clients.

Connecting controller and starting the driver

The driver can be started by using this command:

python3 -m ds4drv --hidraw --udp

If you see a Permission denied error, you may need to copy this file to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and then execute this command: sudo udevadm control --reload. This udev rule allows to access the controller from user space without root privileges. After that reconnect your controller and try again.

You should see something like this if controller has been connected successfully:

[info][controller 1] Connected to Bluetooth Controller (AA:BB:CC:DD:FF:EE hidraw4)
[info][controller 1] Battery: Fully charged

Configuring cemuhook

This part is very easy. Cemuhook connects to localhost:26760 by default, so you just need to choose the first controller (DSU1) in Options - GamePad motion source and then check the Also use for buttons/axes option in the same menu. It is also a good idea to disable your controller in Cemu’s Input settings.




  • Python 2.7 or 3.3+ (for Debian/Ubuntu you need to install the python2.7-dev or python3.3-dev package)
  • python-setuptools
  • hcitool (usually available in the bluez-utils or equivalent package)

These packages will normally be installed automatically by the setup script, but you may want to use your distro's packages if available:

Stable release

Installing the latest release is simple by using pip:

$ sudo pip install ds4drv

Development version

If you want to try out latest development code check out the source from Github and install it with:

$ git clone https://github.com/chrippa/ds4drv.git
$ cd ds4drv
$ sudo python setup.py install


ds4drv has two different modes to find DS4 devices, decide which one to use depending on your use case.

Raw bluetooth mode

Supported protocols: Bluetooth

Unless your system is using BlueZ 5.14 (which was released recently) or higher it is not possible to pair with the DS4. Therefore this workaround exists, which connects directly to the DS4 when it has been started in pairing mode (by holding Share + the PS button until the LED starts blinking rapidly).

This is the default mode when running without any options:

$ ds4drv

Hidraw mode

Supported protocols: Bluetooth and USB

This mode uses the Linux kernel feature hidraw to talk to already existing devices on the system.

$ ds4drv --hidraw

To use the DS4 via bluetooth in this mode you must pair it first. This requires BlueZ 5.14+ as there was a bug preventing pairing in earlier verions. How you actually pair the DS4 with your computer depends on how your system is setup, suggested googling: <distro name> bluetooth pairing

To use the DS4 via USB in this mode, simply connect your DS4 to your computer via a micro USB cable.


If you want to use ds4drv as a normal user, you need to make sure ds4drv has permissions to use certain features on your system.

ds4drv uses the kernel module uinput to create input devices in user land and the module hidraw to communicate with DualShock 4 controllers (when using --hidraw), but this usually requires root permissions. You can change the permissions by copying the udev rules file to /etc/udev/rules.d/.

You may have to reload your udev rules after this with:

$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
$ sudo udevadm trigger


Configuration file

The preferred way of configuring ds4drv is via a config file. Take a look at ds4drv.conf for example usage.

ds4drv will look for the config file in the following paths:

  • ~/.config/ds4drv.conf
  • /etc/ds4drv.conf

... or you can specify your own location with --config.

Command line options

You can also configure using command line options, this will set the LED to a bright red:

$ ds4drv --led ff0000

See ds4drv --help for a list of all the options.

Multiple controllers

ds4drv does in theory support multiple controllers (I only have one controller myself, so this is untested). You can give each controller different options like this:

$ ds4drv --led ff0000 --next-controller --led 00ff00

This will set the LED color to red on the first controller connected and green on the second.

Known issues/limitations


Check here for frequently encountered issues.

Failed to create input device: "/dev/uinput" cannot be opened for writing

This could be because the uinput kernel module is not running on your computer. Doing lsmod | grep uinput should show if the module is loaded. If it is blank, run sudo modprobe uinput to load it. (The uinput module needs to be installed first. Please check with your distro's package manager.)

To have the uinput module load on startup, you can add a file to /etc/modules-load.d. For example:

# in file /etc/modules-load.d/uinput.conf
# Load uinput module at boot


The DualShock 4 report format is not open and had to be reverse engineered. These resources have been very helpful when creating ds4drv:

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