Examples of Broken Security with Next.js + Postgres.js

Examples of common security mistakes causing broken authentication, broken authorization, secrets exposure, etc.

Database Setup

Copy the .env.example file to a new file called .env (ignored from Git) and fill in the necessary information.

To install PostgreSQL on your computer, follow the instructions from the PostgreSQL step in UpLeveled's System Setup Instructions.

Then, connect to the built-in postgres database as administrator in order to create the database:


If it asks for a password, use postgres.

psql -U postgres


psql postgres


sudo -u postgres psql

Once you have connected, run the following to create the database:

CREATE DATABASE <database name>;
CREATE USER <user name> WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<user password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <database name> TO <user name>;

Quit psql using the following command:


On Linux, you will also need to create a Linux system user with a name matching the user name you used in the database. It will prompt you to create a password for the user - choose the same password as for the database above.

sudo adduser <user name>

Once you're ready to use the new user, reconnect using the following command.

Windows and macOS:

psql -U <user name> <database name>


sudo -u <user name> psql -U <user name> <database name>

Running Migrations

To set up the structure and the content of the database, run the migrations using Ley:

yarn migrate up

To reverse the last single migration, run:

yarn migrate down

Run Dev Server

Run the Next.js dev server with:

yarn dev