
Compile MongoDB JSON Schema to TypeScript typings

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Compile MongoDB JSON Schema to TypeScript typings. This package connects to your MongoDB server, retrieves any stored JSON Schema validators, and compiles them into TypeScript typings.

For more information about MongoDB schema validation, see:

MongoDB Schema Validation and MongoDB $jsonSchema operator


Written in TypeScript and includes type definitions.


# Yarn:
yarn add -D bson-schema-to-typescript

# NPM:
npm install bson-schema-to-typescript --save-dev


Create a bson2ts.json configuration file in the root of your project to modify the configuration defaults. It is optional to provide a configuration file.

The default configuration is:

  "uri": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
  "database": "",
  "out": "src/__generated__",
  "bannerComment": [
    "/* eslint-disable */",
    "* This file was automatically generated by bson-schema-to-typescript.",
    "* https://www.npmjs.com/package/bson-schema-to-typescript",
    "* Do not modify it by hand. Instead, modify the MongoDB $jsonSchema validator,",
    "* and run bson2ts to regenerate this file.",
  "enableConstEnums": true,
  "ignoreMinAndMaxItems": false,
  "strictIndexSignatures": false,
  "unknownAny": true

Connecting to MongoDB

The bson2ts CLI connects to the MongoDB server using the connection string provided by the uri configuration option, and the database name provided by the database configuration option.

Environment variables

If the uri or database configuration options start with a $ (dollar sign), they are treated as environment variables and will be expanded.

For example, consider this configuration:

  "uri": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
  "database": "$MONGODB_DATABASE"

In this case uri will be used as-is (eg. mongodb://localhost:27017) but database will be use the MONGODB_DATABASE environment variable of your system (eg. what ever process.env.MONGODB_DATABASE is set to).

In this case, uri will be used as-is (e.g. mongodb://localhost:27017), but database will use the MONGODB_DATABASE environment variable of your system (e.g. whatever process.env.MONGODB_DATABASE is set to).

CLI usage

Generate typings for each MongoDB collection.

Using npx:

npx bson-schema-to-typescript

Or add a script to package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "generate-types": "bson2ts"

Then run `yarn generate-types` or `npm run generate-types`

Usage of generated typings

Once you have generated the types, you can implement them like this:

import { Db } from "mongodb";
import { UserDoc } from "./__generated__/UserDoc";
import { PostDoc } from "./__generated__/PostDoc";

export function collections(db: Db) {
  return {
    users: db.collection<UserDoc>("users"),
    posts: db.collection<PostDoc>("posts"),

Programmatic usage

import {
} from "bson-schema-to-typescript";
