Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective. AT Fudan University.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, a course in Fudan University, spring 2016.

You can view all materials on CSAPP Lab Website.

To my classmates

  • My work is just provided for reference. Don't be lazy and copy them without thinking.

  • NOT all of my solutions are right. Maybe you should check whether they are corect or not.

  • If there are any bugs in my Labs or Homeworks, please contact me through e-mail.


  • Labs
    • Lab1 Counting words in a book
    • Lab2 Bomb Lab
    • Lab3 Perf Lab
    • Lab4 Malloc Lab
    • Plus ( not required in EE department)
      • Data Lab
      • Buffer Lab
      • Cache Lab
      • Shell Lab
      • Proxy Lab
  • Homeworks
    • Homework1 for Chapter 2
    • Homework2 for Chapter 3
    • Homework3 for Chapter 5
    • Homework4 for Chapter 6&7
    • Homework5 for Chapter 8
    • Homework6 for Chapter 9

Author: Renjie Li

License: MIT License