
CRA + Rails API + Devise Login + ActiveAdmin Boilerplate

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails 6 + Create React App Boilerplate

Key Features

Rails Devise handles user authentications 🔑

  • This allows us to utilize Devise's modules (Email Confirmation, Forget password, Remember Me, etc)
  • Since CRA will share the same domain with Rails, it can access logged in user via cookie

ActiveAdmin on Rails side 👩‍💼

  • ActiveAdmin makes it simple for developers to implement beautiful and elegant admin interfaces with very little effort

styled-components 😍

  • While user authentiation pages will consume the good ol' SCSS from asset piplines (we omit webpacker from rails), the react pages will use the very best styled-components to keep the concerns of styling and element architecture separated and make components more readable.

Best of both worlds 🔥

  • We get to keep everything that we love about create-react-app, and the ability to scale front and back ends accordingly

And all the important things...

  • Redux + Thunk
  • React Router
  • Bootstrap
  • Axios
  • React Toastify

Getting Started

  1. git clone git@github.com:lirenyeo/create-react-app-with-rails-login.git then cd create-react-app-with-rails-login
  2. Set up PostgreSQL: rails db:create then rails db:migrate
  3. Set up CRA installation: yarn install (This will execute yarn --cwd client install which does yarn install in client folder)
  4. To see how everything works together, run yarn build && rails s
  • yarn build trigger CRA build and copy the static files into rails /public folder, so we only need start Rails server for it to serve the react pages
  1. To start development, run foreman start -f Procfile.dev
  • This will start Rails on port 3000 and CRA on port 3001
  • Use localhost:3001 to develop in CRA, api calls to /api/v1/ will be proxied to Rails (port 3000)
  • Logged out users will get redirected to localhost:3001/users/sign_in which doesnt exist on CRA, you will need to manually change the URL to 3000 to login. But this process only needs to happen once when you log out
  1. To add new JS packages, make sure to do yarn add <package-name> inside /client folder

Active Admin

  1. Since AA is on Rails, in development, you need to visit localhost:3000/admin
  2. run rails db:seed to seed a sample admin user, log in to AA dashboard with admin@example.com and password