
A starter template for an apollo graphql server with express and typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Graphql typescript apollo starter

A starter template for developing a graphql server, can also be used as a mock server simulating a book rating site, similar to goodreads. It uses typescript and express, and it uses jest as a testing framework. It's configured with prisma playground, and subscriptions support.

This project follows the ideas, defined in the article from apollo regarding schema modularization Modularizing your GraphQL schema code

This project uses the wonderful nps script manager, you can read more about it here and download it with npm install -g nps

Since I'm sharding the entire project to chunks of typedefs with the gql tag, you can see the full schema in src/__typedefs/schema.graphql

Getting started

  • Run in development mode with hot reloading nps dev

  • Build nps build

  • Test nps test

  • Test and watch nps test.watch

  • Generate types and schemas nps generateDefs. do this after changes to the api to keep the types in sync.

Project structure:

   .graphqlconfig - configuration for the graphql cli tool
   package-scripts.js - this is where all the nps scripts are
   src/ - |
         | - index.ts
         | - mocks.ts: mock data, replace it with a database layer for most production apps
         | - __typedefs/ - containes type definitions and graphql schema
         | - graphql/ - |
                        | - enums/: different enums should go here
                        | - scalarTypes/: used for validation and mutating input/output
                        | - schemaShards/: your resolvers and typeDefs should go here
                        | - helpers/: includes helper functions for manipulating and merging schemas 
                        | - schema.ts: this file merges all the different graphql parts and export an executable schema


The graphql api is self documented, you can access the documentations through the prisma playground after running the server, or by going through the typescript or full graphql schema in src/__typedefs.

Example usage

Let's see an example, you can run the development server using nps dev, and go to http://localhost:3000/graphql (or change port with the PORT environment variable) to use the playground. In the playground you can subscribe to the writerCreated subscription like this in one tab:


And create new books like this on another:

mutation createWriter($input:WriterCreateInput!) {
  writerCreate(input:$input) {

with this input.

  "input": {
    "name": "liron navon",
    "birthDay": "02/02/1994",
    "country": "IL"