
This is the pytorch implementation of music-to-body-movement model described in the paper:

Hsuan-Kai Kao and Li Su. Temporally Guided Music-to-Body-Movement Generation, ACM Multimedia 2020
This project is part of the Automatic Music Concert Animation (AMCA) project of the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

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Quick start

To get started as quickly as possible, follow the instructions in this section. This should allow you train a model from scratch and inference your own violin music.


  • Python 3+ distribution
  • Pytorch >= 1.0.1, CUDA 10.0: conda install pytorch==1.5.0 torchvision==0.6.0 -c pytorch
  • Install requirements by running: pip install -r requirement.txt
  • To visualize predictions, install ffmpeg by running: apt-get install ffmpeg


In the paper, we use 14-fold cross validation for 14 musical pieces in evaluation. However, to test model performance for simplicity, we here only provide trainging data and test data for one fold, and all data are already preprocessed in feature level. You can download train.pkl and test.pkl automatically by executing train.py and test.py or use data.py.

We also provide URMP.txt which list the musical pieces used in our cross-dataset evaluation.

Training from scratch

To reproduce the results, run following commands:

python train.py --d_model 512 --gpu_ids 0
python test.py --plot_path xxx.mp4 --output_path xxx.pkl

# on AIST++ dataset
python train.py --d_model 510 --gpu_ids 0 \
    --aist --anno_dir $DATADIR/aist_plusplus/v1 \
    --audio_dir $DATADIR/aist_plusplus/wav \
    --smpl_dir $DATADIR/smpl \
    --d_output_body 0 \
    --d_output_rh 72 \
    --max_len 1200  \
    --n_attn 12 \
    --n_head 10 \
    --checkpoint checkpoint/aist_best.pth \
    --early_stop_iter -1 \
    --epoch 1000

If you have problem with limited gpu memory usage, try to decrease --d_model or use multi-gpu --gpu_ids 0,1,2.

  • --plot_path make video of predicted playing movement. We here specify one of violinist for visualization.
  • --output_path save predicted keypoints and ground truth, whose dimensions is N x K x C, where N is the number of frames, K is the number of keypoints and C is three axes x, y and z.

Inference in the wild

If you want to make video and get predicted keypoints for custom audio data by pretrained model, run following commands:

python inference.py --inference_audio xxx.wav --plot_path xxx.mp4 --output_path xxx.pkl

# on AIST++ dataset
python inference.py --d_model 510 --gpu_ids 0 \
    --aist \
    --d_output_body 0 \
    --d_output_rh 72 \
    --max_len 1200  \
    --n_attn 12 \
    --n_head 10 \
    --checkpoint checkpoint/aist_best.pth \
    --inference_audio /media/ruilongli/hd1/Data/aist_plusplus/wav/mBR0.wav \
    --checkpoint ./checkpoint/aist_best.pth

--plot_path and --output_path are the same as described in test.py, and you need to put the path of your violin music on argument --inference_audio.