
Project for SIST CS240: calabash calculation.

Primary LanguageC++


This is Rundong Li's C++ implementation of CS240: Angorithm Design and Analysis course project.

How to use


  • Eigen3
  • Intel MKL
  • Visual Studio 2017 or cmake


Please install Visual Studio 2017 with C++ support, compile the Release or ReleaseWithInfo binary, then execute

calabash.exe <num_of_steps> <graph_file_path> <output_file_path>


Please install cmake and libeigen3-dev via

apt install cmake libeigen3-dev

then build the project under ignored dictionary

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DDEBUG_DIAMOND .. # use DEBUG_DIAMOND symbol to activate file stream
./calabash <num_of_steps> <graph_file_path> <output_file_path>

This repostory will remaining private before this course ends.