
Modular Python framework for evaluating agent-user conversations on multiple metrics. Currently supports UniEval Dialog and DialogRPT as plugins.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Evaluator Package

Designed to allow for more streamlined evaluation of chatbot components using a variety of metrics.



Contains template classes, outlining expected behaviour of evaluator components. New evaluator packages need to adhere to the expected behaviour outlined here to maintain cross-package compatibility.


Contains an example implementation of the template classes to evaluate sample conversations and chatbots.


Contains package-agnostic utility functions and variables. i.e. saving and loading conversation.


Contains plugins/add-ons for the evaluator package. Insutrctions are included for metrics.

Quick Start

The main entry point for the program is the run_eval.py file, which loads the global configurations stored in ./config.json and attempts to run the evaluation script in ./{target_dir}/__init__.py

For example, running the default script

python3 run_eval.py

Will run ./example/__init__.py

New Components

New packages should implement at the very least, an evaluator object (templates.evaluatorBaseEvaluator) and a {package}/__init__.py file that allows for the main program entry to target said package. New metrics can be added in {package}/metrics/ implementing the templates/metrics/template_metrics.pyBaseEvalMetric class.

For document-wise evaluation, the aforementioned metrics, __init__.py and evaluator can be sufficient.

For chatbot evaluation (WIP), additional chatbot wrapper needs to be implemented (see example/chatbot.py)