Convergent encryption focused on encryption and decryption of files. Contains helper methods to encrypt and decrypt files inline (no extra space required) and to stream decryption.
Here's an example to encrypt a file inline using convergent encryption:
import file_encryptor.convergence
key = convergence.encrypt_inline_file("/path/to/file", None)
You can also specify a passphrase:
import file_encryptor.convergence
key = convergence.encrypt_inline_file("/path/to/file", "rainbow dinosaur secret")
To decrypt a file inline, you need the key that was returned by the encrypt method:
import file_encryptor.convergence
key = convergence.encrypt_inline_file("/path/to/file", "rainbow dinosaur secret")
convergence.decrypt_inline_file("/path/to/file", key)
The reason why you cannot use the passphrase directly is because the key is derived from both the passphrase and the SHA-256 of the original file.
For streaming applications, you can decrypt a file with a generator:
for chunk in convergence.decrypt_generator("/path/to/file", key):
The key generation mechanism is the following:
key = HMAC-SHA256(passphrase, hex(SHA256(file-contents)))
If no passphrase is given, a default is used.
The file itself is encrypted using AES128-CTR, from pycrypto. We're not specifying any IV, thinking that for convergent encryption that is the right thing to do.
Tests were implemented using unittest, so the standard way of executing those is:
python -munittest discover file_encryptor/