
An app that gives you recipes you can make based on the ingredients you already have

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#What Can iCook

GA WDI DC August 2014, Project 3

###Overview iCook is a cooking app that gives you recipes you can make based on ingredients you already have. It was developed as a sample Rails project for the August 2014 Web Development Immersive course at General Assembly. It was developed over a one week sprint to model the agile software development process.

###Technologies Used

  • Ruby 2.1.1
  • Ruby on Rails 4.1.1
  • Yummly API
  • RSpec Rails gem for RSpec testing
  • Shoulda-matchers gem for testing
  • PostgreSQL Database
  • Devise gem for authentication and authorization
  • Autoprefixer gem to make CSS animations work
  • Javascript
  • Custom styling with CSS3 and HTML5

###User Stories Completed

  • As a user I can:
    • register for an account
    • sign in
    • sign out
    • view a list of searchable ingredients
    • select a single ingredient or a collection of ingredients
    • view my selected ingredient(s)
    • view a list of recipes (based on my ingredients)
      • recipe name and link for its search page on Google (the Yummly API does not require external links directly to the recipe itself)
      • Yummly 0-5 rating
      • recipe photo
    • click on a recipe name

###Backlog A full list of user stories can be found by looking at this Pivitol Tracker Project


###Local Setup rake db:create bundle install rake db:migrate rake db:seed rails s

Open the page locally on http://localhost:3000.
Note that you will need to request access token and an API key for the Yummly API and replace them as appropriate within the code.

######Written by Lisa Snider