Kippo Configuration

Custom settings and configurations I used in my Kippo's honeypots.

Prepare the underlying OS

Assuming that it is a Debian/Ubuntu OS.

Install requirements

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install ssh build-essential python-dev libmysqlclient-dev \
    python-pip iptables-persistent screen

pip install twisted pyasn1 pycrypto MySQL-python virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Setup virtualenv

Edit your ~/.profile file and add this two lines:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

Load the new configuration and create the virtualenv:

source ~/.profile
mkvirtualenv kippo

Setup SSH service

Normally sshd service listens on default port 22/TCP. But we will use this port for the SSH honeypot so we need to change the default port. Kippo comes pre-configured with port 2222/TCP, because it needs to run as non-privilege user and non-privileged user is not able to open any ports below number 1024. So later we will create an iptables rule to redirect from port 22 to 2222. Now we will choose an alternative port for the sshd service in other to access to our honeypot's underlying system. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and modify the following lines:

Port 50022
PermitRootLogin no

Setup firewall

We need to have some iptables rules in place in order to redirect SSH connections to port 2222/TCP (Kippo default port):

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 22 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2222

Also, it could be useful to configure default INPUT chain policy to DROP and accept connections only from specific sources based in geolocation. Using the service at IP2Location ( you can select a country and export the IPv4/IPv6 rules to use with iptables.

On this repo I included a /etc/iptables/rules.v4 file containing Argentina's IP address ranges to be used with the iptables-persistent package previously installed.

Install and configure Kippo

Clone the repo

git clone

Filesystem configuration

By default Kippo comes with its own filesystem but you can clone your own filesystem (without revealing any sensitive information):

sudo kippo/utils/ > kippo/fs.pickle

Alternative root passwords

Kippo comes with pre-configured password '123456'. We will add more passwords:

kippo/utils/ kippo/data/pass.db add password
kippo/utils/ kippo/data/pass.db add 12345
kippo/utils/ kippo/data/pass.db add 1234
kippo/utils/ kippo/data/pass.db add 123
kippo/utils/ kippo/data/pass.db add root
kippo/utils/ kippo/data/pass.db add qwerty
kippo/utils/ kippo/data/pass.db add admin

Kippo start script

Backup the original Kippo start script and download the alternative included on this repo. It has been modified to support virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper and to do full packet capture using tcpdump (this could provide additional information on the connections being made).

Edit the included on this repo and modify the following variables accordingly to your setup:


Run Kippo

Finally, start Kippo:

cd kippo
./ kippo

To reattach to the tcpdump process running inside a screen session, for monitoring purposes or terminating the command, do the following:

screen -r tcpdump