
implementation of experiments in Yifei Ma, Tzu-Kuo Huang, Jeff Schneider. Active Search and Bandits on Graphs Using Sigma-Optimality. UAI 2015.

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This is an organized version of the software for paper

Yifei Ma, Tzu-Kuo Huang, Jeff Schneider. "Active Search and Bandits on Graphs Using Sigma-Optimality". UAI 2015. Paper available at http://www.autonlab.org/autonweb/23145.html and ID 307 in http://auai.org/uai2015/proceedings.shtml

The code partially repreduces Figure 2 and Figure 3; could also be used for general active search/bandit problems as long as either

  • matrix A is given as the adjacency matrix of k-nearest-neighbour graph, A_{ij} = [node_i is neighbor of node_j] + [node_j is neighbor of node_i],

  • or,

  • matrix C given as kernel matrix of examples, C_{ij} = k(x_i,x_j).


  1. Load and run demo for Figure 2(b).

     git clone this/repository/from/right/of/the/page
     matlab >> cd code; run_as
  2. Specify dataset and algorithm to run other experiments. code/configure_param_choices.m will then pick the other parameters accordingly.

  3. code/run_as_par.m for an example of parallel execution.

  4. For your own experiments, assign adjacency matrix A or kernel matrix C (or both) to any of the code/as_{algorithm_name}.m function, tell it labels because it is active, give some extra options or use an empty struct() for default choices, and wait for the results.

  5. Some simple adaptation is possible to make use of an oracle instead of labels for real active search problems.


By simply specifying dataset and algorithm without anything else, you should get results identical what we have provided:

  • exp/{data}_{algorithm}.mat, variables generated at the end of code/run_as*.m.

  • exp/{data}_{algorithm}_selected.txt, list of selected node ids stored as a matrix of size [time step] x [parameter choice].

In any case, if the plots generated from plot(hits_top15percent ./ sum(y)) or plot(hits ./ sum(y)) seem reasonably close to our figures, you have most-likely done it right.


Running the codes will create two directories at $HOME/tmp/as_logs/ and $HOME/tmp/as_cache/, unless otherwise specified at beginning of code/run_as*.m. (Centralized paths are great if your codes run across different machines on a cluster.) Temporary file sizes are usually minimal; you could also turn off cache file generation by setting variable save_cache to false.

ALGORITHMS IMPLEMENTED (code/as_{algorithm}.m)


  • Implementation of Algorithm 1 GP-SOPT(vanilla), eq (9.a).


  • Implementation of Algorithm 1 GP-SOPT.TT(threshold total covariance), eq (9.b)


  • Baseline algorithm, Hastagiri P. Vanchinathan, Andreas Marfurt, Charles-Antoine Robelin, Donald Kossmann, Andreas Krause. "Discovering Valuable Items from Massive Data". SIGKDD 2015.

  • Also could be thought as non-repeated selection of Michal Valko, Rémi Munos, Branislav Kveton Tomáš Kocák. "Spectral Bandits for Smooth Graph Functions". ICML 2014.


  • data/toy --- graph for Figure 2

  • data/populated_places_5000 -- Figure 3(a)

  • data/wikipedia_data --- Figure 3(b)

  • data/new_nips --- Fiure 3(c)

  • Not included: enron_graph, because of its large size. --- Please contact us.


  • include Xuezhi Wang, Roman Garnett, Jeff Schneider. "Active Search on Graphs". SIGKDD 2013.