
Script written on python 2.7 to visualise results of running Bottom RedOx Model

Primary LanguagePython

BROM Pictures v 0.1


BROM Pictures - is a script written on python 2.7 to visualise results of running Bottom RedOx Model - coupled benthic-pelagic model for simulation of seasonal anoxia and its impact (http://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2015-239/gmd-2015-239.pdf)

How to use

  1. BROM Pictures uses two third-party Python modules, NumPy and MatPlotLib . These need to be installed to run script. To draw the output of BROM model you should add text ouput file into the same folder with cloned repository The easiest way is to use Enthought Canopy(https://store.enthought.com/downloads/#default). Express version is free and it is enough powerful to run this script.
  2. Clone this repository (https://github.com/lisapro/_brom-pics.git) into python working folder.
  3. You should place the text output file in the same folder and name it output.dat
  4. Run it

Example of figures

Figure example