
This challenge is designed to test and showcase your expertise in DevOps practices, and cloud infrastructure deployment. The project comprises four interrelated packages within a monorepo structure: admin, api, database, and resizePhoto. Each of these components plays a crucial role in the lifecycle of a photo management application. By completing this challenge, you will demonstrate your skills in orchestrating a modern, scalable web application from development to deployment.

You will have 72 hours to submit the challenge after starting and should not spend more than 8 hours total working on it. It is acceptable to submit something that is incomplete.

Project Structure

  • admin: A React-based user interface for uploading photos.

  • api: An Express REST API for managing photo resources (create, read, single read, delete).

  • database: Utilizing Drizzle ORM to define the database schema and handle migrations, presenting an interface for database operations.

  • resizePhoto: An AWS Lambda function that resizes photos upon upload to an S3 bucket, leveraging the Sharp library.

Tech Stack

  • TypeScript/Node.js: Core programming languages
  • pnpm: Efficient package management in a monorepo
  • React: Front-end library for the admin package
  • Express: Web application framework for the api package
  • Drizzle ORM: Object-Relational Mapping tool for database management
  • Sharp: High-performance Node.js image processing
  • Docker Compose: Local development and testing
  • Terraform: Infrastructure as Code for AWS deployment
  • AWS Lambda & Related Services: Cloud infrastructure


Your main objectives in this coding challenge are:

  • Local Development Environment: Create a docker-compose.yml file that facilitates local development, allowing each component of the monorepo to run in a cohesive and isolated manner.

    • resizePhoto function does not need to run locally
    • Both the api and admin need to be served from the same url:port
  • Build & Deployment: Utilize GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration and Deployment. Ensure all resources are correctly provisioned and configured for a production-like environment using Terraform.

    • Utilize esbuild to efficiently build each package within the monorepo.


Please ensure your final submission is a working version that includes:

  • Docker-compose setup for local development.
  • Terraform configuration files for AWS deployment.
  • GitHub Actions configuration for the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Support for multiple environments.
    • sandbox
    • staging
    • production


  • Fork this repository.
  • Implement the required changes.
  • Add blakez08 as a collaborator on your fork once completed.
  • Please remember to commit your changes early and frequently throughout the development process.


Throughout the challenge, you may encounter errors or have questions. You are encouraged to email bzeiger@sweatworks.net for any assistance, be it clarification on requirements or troubleshooting unexpected issues.