The project uses the sst framework, to allow fast pace development and deployment on serverless tools

Getting Started

You'll need the AWS credentials configured on machine

First, run the development server:

yarn sst dev

Open http://localhost:3000 and the project will run locally with online resources available on DynamoDB


It'll create the cloud resources to run the project

yarn dev

To deploy the project

yarn sst deploy --stage prod

And the URL of cloudfront will be returned to access the project

About the project

The project were created with nextjs, with a SST framework to a simple and fast deployment process, that include a CDK behind the scenes.

Created some Unit tests to cover the time calculation functions between the path and dikjstra (removing diagonal movement) algoritm. We can improve implementing a customized Board size, with a extra resources as different weights (including infinite), with a A* algoritm

Used tailwind css with the basic setup of the nextjs project to cover the basic responsiveness and interface

Used the hook pattern to split UI from business logic

Missing some validations to improve the usage experience