
Vue3 and TS SPA based on the Pokedex from the GBA videogames

Primary LanguageVue

PokeChallengeV2 App

This project consists of a SPA (Single Page Application) created with Vue3 and TS (TypeScript), in addition Vuex, Vue Router, the Vue CLI and Jest were used alongside this app.

Deployment link link with FirebaseCLI


This proyecto has been developed and deployed as part of a technical challenge in which I had to develop a SPA with Vue3 and TS. To showcase my knowledge on REST API management I used the PokeAPI as my database. This app has been heavily inspired in the GBA Pokemon videogames.

  • SPA deployed with Vue3 on the FrontEnd.
  • Vuex was used on the state managemnt.
  • TailwindCSS as a CSS framework and website styles and responsiveness.
  • Data fetching from PokeAPI, the pagination, details, descriptions, types and abilities.
  • Unit testing with Jest and Vue test utils.
  • Firebase to manage the deployment.
  • GitFlow with Semantic Commit for the git commands.








English-Spanish Toggle


Routing NotFound


Setup / Instalation

Clone this repo from master branch

Then execute on your terminal:

npm install

Locally compile for development

npm run serve

App compilation for produccion on dist folder

npm run build

Run the tests

npm run test:unit