
Book Builder / Maker / Generator / Compiler from Markdown Manuscripts (in Plain Text) - Add Your Tool!

Open Source Book Builder / Maker / Generator / Compiler from Markdown Manuscripts (in Plain Text)

Markdown Tools › Books - Add Your Tool!

Markdown Tools › Books Directory - see it live @ mundimark.github.io/markdown-tools-books

How-To Add Your Tools

- title:     Pandoc
  author:    John MacFarlane et al
  formats:   [html (+epub), latex (pdf)]
  templates: Custom (Pandoc)
  github:    jgm/pandoc
  web:       http://pandoc.org
  language:  Haskell


- title:     Octobook (+Jekyll)
  author:    Gerald Bauer et al
  formats:   [html]
  templates: Liquid
  github:    octobook/octobook
  language:  Ruby



The markdown book tools directory is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the wwwmake forum/mailing list. Thanks!