Benchmark data sets for Knowledge Graph-based Similarity

We present a collection of 21 benchmark data sets for evaluating semantic similarity measures for large biomedical knowledge graphs and ontologies. These datasets aim at circumventing the difficulties in building benchmarks for large biomedical knowledge graphs by exploiting proxies for biomedical entity similarity. An overview is shown below.

Protein data sets

We created two different types of data sets according to the following criteria:

  • One aspect: The proteins must have at least one annotation in one GO aspect.
  • All aspects: The proteins must have at least one annotation in each GO aspect.

Protein-protein interactions data sets

One aspect

Species Proteins Pairs
D. melanogaster 455 364
E. coli 371 734
H. sapiens 7093 30826
S. cerevisae 3776 27898
All 11695 59822

All aspects

Species Proteins Pairs
D. melanogaster 287 200
E. coli 263 420
H. sapiens 6718 29672
S. cerevisae 2888 16904
All 10156 47196

Molecular function data sets

One aspect

Species Proteins Pairs
D. melanogaster 7470 31350
E. coli 1231 3363
H. sapiens 13246 31350
S. cerevisae 4782 38166
All 26729 104229

All aspects

Species Proteins Pairs
D. melanogaster 5300 17682
E. coli 724 1332
H. sapiens 11666 25527
S. cerevisae 3660 29265
All 21350 73806

Protein data sets nomenclature

Data sets file names follow this structure TYPE_SPECIESN.csv where:

  • TYPE: Type of data set- MF for Molecular Function data sets and PPI for Protein-Protein Interaction data sets;
  • SPECIES: Protein species in the data set- DM (D. melanogaster), EC (E. Coli), HS (H. sapiens), SC (S. cerevisae) and ALL (combining all four species);
  • N: annotation completness of the proteins in the data set- 1 for One aspect proteins and 3 for All aspects proteins.

Genes-phenotypes data set

Genes Pairs
2026 1200


To allow a direct comparison with the pre-computed semantic similarity measures, as well as facilitate the direct comparison between different works without needing to implement and/or compute the results, the KG data below should be downloaded and used.

Using the benchmark data sets for the evaluation of a novel semantic similarity measure

The steps to perform the benchmark evaluation for a new KG-based semantic similarity measures are as follows:

  • Select the benchmark data sets that will be used;

  • Using your novel measure, calculate the similarity for all entity pairs in the benchmark data sets using the benchmark KG;

  • Compute evaluation metrics against proxy similarity values and representative semantic similarity scores;

    These data sets support evaluation through simple correlation calculation between the novel measures and representative semantic similarity scores and proxy similarity values.
    Additionally, the protein-protein interactions data sets can be used to evaluate the power of semantic similarity scores in predicting protein-protein interactions. Both evaluation techniques are supportedd by the Jupyter Notebook available in this repository.

  • Upload the novel semantic similarity results to a data sharing platform, to support future direct comparisons, by forking this repository.

    The tables below provide an example of how to publish the results after using a protein-protein interaction data set to evaluate a novel semantic similarity measure.

Table 1: Pearson Correlation coefficient between similarity proxies and semantic similarity measures.

Similarity proxy BMA Resnik BMA Seco GIC Resnik GIC Seco New SSM
Sequence 0.215935 0.199146 0.239537 0.218870 0.11128
Protein-protein interaction 0.625845 0.912552 0.915274 0.996805 0.58274

Note that Pearson Correlation Coefficient scores have already been calculated for each data set's representative semantic similarity scores and similarity proxies. Find them here.

Table 2: Predictive scores of the novel semantic similarity regarding protein-protein interaction. Threshold: minimum similarity for 2 proteins to be considered similar and to interact. Precision, Recall and F1 score: Performance evaluation metrics of the prediction.

Threshold Precision Recall F1 score
0.5 0.6 0.45 0.514
0.6 0.7 0.58 0.634
0.7 0.7 0.5 0.59


  • Carlota Cardoso
  • Rita Sousa
  • Cátia Pesquita


See the file for details.


This project was funded by the Portuguese FCT through the LASIGE Research Unit (UID/CEC/00408/2019), and also by the SMILAX project (PTDC/EEI-ESS/4633/2014).