A Tour in the Wonderland of Math with Python
A collection of python scripts for drawing beautiful figures or animating interesting algorithms in mathematics.
About this repo
Please visit the website for this repository to see how to use these scripts and get more information of the math behind them.
I'm building the docs so that there will be more usage & math explanations for each program.
The history commits are deleted (sorry for this) but will not be deleted any more.
This repository will be always under construction since there are too many interesting things in math that can be shown by code. Pull requests, issues, questions, and suggestions are all welcomed!
Warning: I'll not maintain support for python<=2.7
any more, please run the code with python>=3
- Mandelbrot Set
- Julia Set
- Newton Fractal
- Icosahedral Kaleidoscope
- Fractal Tree
- Reaction-Diffusion Simulation
- The E8 Pattern
- The Modular Group
- Generalized Penrose Tilings
- Domino Shuffling Algorithm Animation
- Wilson's Uniform Spanning Tree Algorithm Animation
- Coupling From The Past And Lozenge Tilings
Mandelbrot Set
Julia Set
Newton Fractal
Icosahedral Kaleidoscope
Fractal Tree
Reaction-Diffusion Simulation
[Code] [Doc] [Pmneila's Javascript Animation]
The E8 Pattern
The Modular Group
Generalized Penrose Tilings
Domino Shuffling Algorithm Animation
Wilson's Uniform Spanning Tree Algorithm Animation
[Code] [Doc] [Mike Bostock's Javascript Animation]
Coupling From The Past And Lozenge Tilings
Programs to come:
- Fractals with orbit trap
- 2D hyperbolic tilings (Escher's circle limit)
- 3D hyperbolic honeycombs
- 4D regular polytopes
- Hopcroft's minimization algorithm
Python libs: pip install -r requirements.txt