
Repo for Predicting Livelihood Indicators from Community-Generated Street-Level Imagery (AAAI21).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Repo for Predicting Livelihood Indicators from Community-Generated Street-Level Imagery (AAAI 2021).

Predicting Livelihood Indicators from Community-Generated Street-Level Imagery

This repository is the official implementation of Predicting Livelihood Indicators from Community-Generated Street-Level Imagery.

Methods Graphic

Requirements and Data

To install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

First, download data.csv (1.46 GB). There is a row for every image, where:

  • key: refers to the unique ID of an image
  • country: 'ia' for India, 'ke' for Kenya
  • unique_cluster: is the unique ID of the cluster to which the image belongs (i.e. images in the same cluster will have the same unique_cluster value)
  • ilon, ilat: represent the longitude, latitude of the image, respectively
  • lon, lat: represent the longitude, latitude of the cluster
  • features: represent the object indexes detected in this image (more info on how these are generated below)
  • features_name: represent the class names of the objects detected
  • confidence: confidence values of the detections
  • pov, pov_label: represent the poverty indicator value and the binary class label (0 for less than median, 1 for greater than or equal to median), respectively
  • pop, pop_label: represent the population density indicator value and the binary class label, respectively
  • bmi, bmi_label: represent the women's body-mass-index (BMI) indicator value and the binary class label, respectively (Note: As detailed in paper, BMI data is only available for India, so these values are 0 for all Kenya rows.)

Images Each Mapillary image is identifiable using its key and unique_cluster. To download the high-resolution images, run the script:

python download_images.py

If the script finishes running properly, the data.csv should now have a new column called img_path that provides the locations of the images (saved to directory data/img_highres by default).

Object Counts We fed the high-res images directly into the Seamless Scene Segmentation model to get their segmentations and object detections. The class indexes, class names, and confidences of the detections per image are conveniently available in the csv as features, features_name, and confidence.

Image Features To get image features, we resized the images to 224x224 and then trained CNNs on the classification task (ResNet34 with pretrained ImageNet weights; trained for 10 epochs with batch size 256 and lr 1e-3). To download the image features for use in the GCN, download pretrained_image_features.zip (zip file 2.44 GB).

Clusters For India, the clusters we used for training and validation are specified by train_clusters_ia.txt and val_clusters_ia.txt, respectively. For Kenya, train_clusters_ke.txt and val_clusters_ke.txt.


Image-wise Learning Once you have resized the images and specified their location in a column called img_path_224x224 in data.csv, you can train a ResNet34 model to perform classification or regression. Here are the commands:

cd models
python train_imagewise_classifier.py --model=resnet34 --label=pov_label --lr=1e-3 --batch_size=256 --pretrained
python imagewise_regressor.py --model=resnet34 --label=pov --lr=1e-4 --batch_size=256 --pretrained

Note: We use train_imagewise_classifier.py to generate the pretrained image features.

Cluster-wise Learning To train the cluster-wise learning model from the paper, run this command:

cd models
python clusterwise_classifier.py --label=pov_label --log_file=pov_label_results.log
python clusterwise_regressor.py --label=pov --log_file=pov_results.log


To evaluate the image-wise learning model:

cd models
python eval_imagewise_classifier.py --model_weights=models/pov_classify --label=pov_label
python imagewise_regressor.py --save_name=models/reg_pov --label=pov --eval_mode 

To evaluate the cluster-wise learning model:

cd models
python clusterwise_classifier.py --label=pov_label --log_file=pov_label_results.log \
    --train_saved_feats=features/trainpov_label_feats.npy --train_saved_labels=features/trainpov_label_labels.npy \
    --val_saved_feats=features/valpov_label_feats.npy --val_saved_labels=features/valpov_label_labels.npy

python clusterwise_regressor.py --label=pov --log_file=pov_results.log \
    --train_saved_feats=features/trainpov_feats.npy --train_saved_labels=features/trainpov_labels.npy \
    --val_saved_feats=features/valpov_feats.npy --val_saved_labels=features/valpov_labels.npy

To run the baselines (which required no training):

cd models
python baseline_nearestneighbor.py --baseline=random --label=pov_label

Pre-trained Models

You can download the model weights for classifying and regressing on each indicator in each country. Each were trained on the images of the clusters in the training set using a ResNet34 model with learning rate 1e-3 for 10 epochs.



GCN Train + Evaluation

After downloading the pre-trained model weights, you can train the cluster-wise GCN learning model from the paper by looking at the example commands below. You can specify flags for how you want to represent the nodes (V) or edges (A). You can set V to 'feats' to only represent images by their pretrained features, 'obj' for their object counts, and 'both' for the combination of the two. You can also set A to 'inv' for edges that represent the normalized inverse distance between images in a cluster or 'none' for random edges.

cd models
python run_gcn.py --target pov_label --img_csv ./data.csv --train_val_dir . --pretrained_image_file pov_classify --A_type inv --V_type both --lr 1e-6 --batch_size 256 --num_iter 3000
python run_gcn.py --target pov --img_csv ./data.csv --train_val_dir . --pretrained_image_file pov_regress --A_type inv --V_type both --lr 1e-6 --batch_size 256 --num_iter 3000

Pooled Models

For the pooled Random Forest and GCN models, we randomly sample 50% or 100% of the training clusters from each country and then evaluate on the validation clusters.


Our model achieves the following performance on :

Livelihood Indicator Classification


Model name Pov Accuracy Pop Accuracy BMI Accuracy
Baseline (Random) 50.70% 50.11% 51.47%
Baseline (Avg Neighbors) 63.57% 69.06% 66.17%
Image-wise Learning 74.34% 93.50% 85.28%
Cluster-wise Learning 75.77% 91.71% 83.63%
GCN (V: Obj Counts) 72.05% 86.63% 80.13%
GCN (V: Img Feats) 81.06% 94.71% 89.42%
GCN (V: Both) 80.91% 94.42% 89.56%
Random Forest 50% Pooled 74.20% 86.49% N/A
GCN 50% Pooled 80.99% 94.07% N/A
Random Forest 100% Pooled 74.98% 89.78% N/A
GCN 100% Pooled 81.34% 94.50% N/A


Model name Pov Accuracy Pop Accuracy
Image-wise Learning 73.71% 87.79%
Cluster-wise Learning 77.34% 89.59%
GCN (V: Obj Counts) 71.36% 88.26%
GCN (V: Img Feats) 76.06% 89.67%
GCN (V: Both) 75.59% 89.67%
Random Forest 50% Pooled 74.18% 81.69%
GCN 50% Pooled 76.53% 89.20%
Random Forest 100% Pooled 74.18% 86.85%
GCN 100% Pooled 77.055 90.14%

Livelihood Indicator Regression


Model name Pov r^2 Pop r^2 BMI r^2
Baseline (Avg Neighbors) 0.16 0.66 0.25
Image-wise Learning 0.51 0.85 0.52
Cluster-wise Learning 0.52 0.81 0.54
GCN (V: Obj Counts) 0.39 0.86 0.38
GCN (V: Img Feats) 0.54 0.82 0.57
GCN (V: Both) 0.53 0.89 0.56
Random Forest 50% Pooled 0.45 0.67
GCN 50% Pooled 0.52 0.81
Random Forest 100% Pooled 0.52 0.76
GCN 100% Pooled 0.51 0.88


Model name Pov r^2 Pop r^2
Image-wise Learning 0.39 0.90
Cluster-wise Learning 0.50 0.81
GCN (V: Obj Counts) 0.35 0.80
GCN (V: Img Feats) 0.42 0.84
GCN (V: Both) 0.40 0.85
Random Forest 50% Pooled 0.41 0.51
GCN 50% Pooled 0.38 0.79
Random Forest 100% Pooled 0.47 0.58
GCN 100% Pooled 0.36 0.72


We produced our feature importance charts with random-forest-importances and tree visualizations with dtreeviz.


MIT License