
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains a set of utilities for React and Recoil and ESLint rules to make developer experience better.

Lint is used for code quality and code automation

The purpose of React/Recoil abstractions/utils, Lint rules and Code Generation is to GUIDE developer into happy path - where less bugs and less worry about language/react/recoil imperfect implementation or coexistence. Producing features more efficiently and more joyfully instead of thinking how to satisfy quirks and deficiencies of specific tools.

See example app for usage examples.



pnpm add @byondxr/react-utils, @byondxr/recoil-utils, @byondxr/react-recoil-utils, @byondxr/eslint-automate, @byondxr/zustand-utils


Add plugin @byondxr/automate and the required rules to your eslint config. See eslint example for the full list of rules.


Parts of the code which are generated/updated automatically

These must not be modified or relied upon

  1. dependency array in react or recoil hooks
  2. useRecoilEffect: getter function after the dependency array
  3. useHandler (you can add more, but important to tell me - so I add it to the automation)
  4. r() in inline callback
  5. const { r } = useInlineHandler()
  6. useMemo (you can add more, but important to tell me - so I add it to the automation)
  7. memo
  8. displayName
  9. data-component
  10. recoil utils - key string
  11. comment like this // local selector function dependency

Recoil-Utils Cheat sheet

create global atom =>
const globalAtom = useRecoilAtom('key', 'default')

create local atom =>
const [localAtom, setLocalAtom] = useLocalAtom('default')

create a selector purely function of one atom =>
const selector = useRecoilSelector(atom, (state)=>state.property)

create a selector =>
const selector = useRecoilMemoSelector( ( { get, getParam, getAsync, getParamAsync } ) => {}, [ ] )

create a selector per param =>
const paramSelector = useRecoilMemoParamSelector( (param: Dict) => ( { get, getParam, getAsync, getParamAsync } ) => {}, [ ] )

unwrap value =>
const value = useRecoilValue(atom)
const propertyValue = useRecoilValue(atom, (state)=>state.property)

create a selector value =>
const selector = useRecoilMemoValue( ( { get, getParam, getAsync, getParamAsync } ) => {}, [ ] )

access value =>
const handleClick = useRecoilAsyncCallback( ({ asyncGet, asyncParamGet }) => async (params) => { } )

subscribe =>
useRecoilEffect( ( { getAsync, getParamAsync, getCurrentAsync } ) => {}, [ ] )

Global caching

  • selectors are auto cached globally most of the time
  • using not external functions or refVar.current will disable global cache and mark this var with comment
  • marking function, which is not external, as fnName__global will enable global caching (edited)

Snippets generation

When saving new file

  • saving empty .tsx file will generate => component
  • saving empty use-…..tsx file => hook
  • saving …-icon.tsx file => icon component

Generating snippets

These work in any editor which runs eslint autofix, whether it is VS Code, WebStorm or any other. Assuming a shortcut F3 was configured (see bellow), these are the available scenarios:

  1. place cursor on a new line and press F3 --> will provide a choice of hooks
    • press F3 on the hook from the choice given --> will generate the hook + choice of selectors/atoms
      • press F3 on a selector/atom --> will generate the appropriate getter line
  2. press F3 on a selector or atom --> will provide a choice of hooks
    • press F3 on the hook from the choice given --> will generate the hook + getter line for the selected selector
  3. place cursor inside a hook on an empty line and press F3 --> will provide a choice of selectors and atoms in the file
    • choose selectors (by typing +) and press F3 on one of them --> will generate the getter lines accordingly
  4. press F3 when cursor on useHandler --> will switch it to useRecoilAsyncCallback and Vice Versa…

Configuring a shortcut

How the snippets generation works? By typing _0 and applying eslint autofix. Best to configure a shortcut and to do autofix on save. This is how to configure it in VS Code:

  1. Install macros extension
  2. click ctrl+shift+p, select - "user settings JSON" and add this to the file:
  "macros": {
    "recoilGenTemplate": [
      { "command": "type", "args": { "text": "_0" } },
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": "explicit",
  1. click ctrl+shift+p, select - "keyboard JSON " and add this:
	"key": "f3",
	"command": "macros.recoilGenTemplate"



pnpm i

VS Code

Use eslint and prettier extensions. Enable autofix and format upon save.

Run tests

pnpm test


  1. Create a branch
  2. Run pnpm changeset and follow the instructions. (if you need patch only, press enter upon being asked about minor/major).
  3. Commit, push, create a PR and merge it.
  4. Wait till version PR is created in the CI and merge it.
  5. Release will be created and published to npm automatically.


See todo file