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#pod 'SPDebugBar'

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//github address//https://github.com/lishiping/SPWebView //github address//https://github.com/lishiping/SPDebugBar //github address//https://github.com/lishiping/SPFastPush //github address//https://github.com/lishiping/SPMacro //github address//https://github.com/lishiping/SafeData //github address//https://github.com/lishiping/SPCategory //github address//https://github.com/lishiping/SPBaseClass

//v1.0.0正式版加入修改NSUserDefaults,添加自定义组件功能 /** Switch the server address, help develop and test the switch server address in debug mode or test package, help modify and reset the NSUserDefaults debugger, and add custom component functionality.

  1. The functions of this tool: in a given switching between the address of the server, and back to the selected address by block for developers and testers can switch the server address when using the APP widgets.

  2. When the application starts to start, check if the given server address is correct, and if not, return the error.

  3. The application starts, before returning to locally to save the selected address (the default option for the first time in each group first), if the given address have change, all are reset, and returns the first in each group

  4. After the application is started, you can choose to switch by pressing the debug bar pop-up address list.

  5. After the popup list, also can click on the currently selected in the black box of the server address, actual it is UItextfield that can input, online press enter, you can manually add a new server address, at the same time, the current input the list to join this group.

  6. Click the debug bar to hide and display the debug bar information (the debug bar information is CPU, memory, and FPS usage)

The debug bar will change color when you receive a memory alert.

  1. If you add too many addresses, you can remove the added address manually and restore it to a given address list.

  2. This little tool can be given more set in advance the address of the server, a set of three groups of the two groups can, such as convenient and different business interface using multiple service address, if group number has changed, the data reset, all previously entered manually add do not retain, and application has just started to return to take each group first.

  3. New addition of v1.0.0 can modify NSUserDefaults, and new additions can allow users to customize adding features.

11.Method of use, such as:













  • (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // Override point for customization after application launch.

//获取系统配置的是否是测试包 _TEST = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"TEST"]; //加载调试工具 [self loadDebugTool];

[application setStatusBarHidden:NO];

self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];

_topVC= [[ViewController alloc] init];

UINavigationController *navi = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:_topVC];

self.window.rootViewController =navi;

[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];

return YES; }

//加载调试工具 -(void)loadDebugTool { //当debug和打测试包的时候为了测试人员切换服务器调试,调试工具要显示,线上包的时候该调试工具不显示 if (_TEST||DEBUG) { NSDictionary* serverDic = @{ SP_TITLE_KEY:@"百度服务器地址", SP_ARRAY_KEY: @[ @"https://api.baidu.com", @"http://api.baidu.com", @"http://api.ceshi.baidu.com" ] };

NSDictionary *panServerDic = @{ SP_TITLE_KEY:@"百度网盘地址", SP_ARRAY_KEY: @[ @"https://api.pan.baidu.com", @"http://api.pan.baidu.com", @"http://api.ceshi.pan.baidu.com", @"http://api.test.pan.baidu.com" ]};

NSDictionary *imServerDic = @{ SP_TITLE_KEY:@"百度聊天地址", SP_ARRAY_KEY: @[ @"https://api.pan.baidu.com", @"http://api.pan.baidu.com", @"http://api.ceshi.pan.baidu.com", @"http://api.test.pan.baidu.com" ]};

NSArray *serverArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:serverDic,panServerDic,imServerDic, nil];

NSDictionary* secondDic = @{ SP_TITLE_KEY:@"灰度功能", SP_ARRAY_KEY: @[ @"ABTestSDK", @"AB放量" ] };

NSDictionary *thirdDic = @{ SP_TITLE_KEY:@"商业化功能", SP_ARRAY_KEY: @[ @"商业放量", @"商业灰度" ]};

NSArray *otherArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:secondDic,thirdDic, nil];

[SPDebugBar sharedInstanceWithServerArray:serverArray selectedServerArrayBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) { NSLog(@"选中的服务器地址:%@",objects); _topVC.firstLabel.text =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"百度服务器地址:%@",objects[0]]; _topVC.secondLabel.text =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"百度网盘地址:%@",objects[1]];

} otherSectionArray:otherArray otherSectionArrayBlock:^(UINavigationController *navigationController,NSString *string, NSError *error) { _topVC.thirdLabel.text =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"你点击了:%@",string];

ABTestVC *abTestVC = [[ABTestVC alloc] init]; abTestVC.title = string;

[navigationController pushViewController:abTestVC animated:YES]; }]; } else { //set up online server address //设置线上地址 } }
