
a simple method interceptor for c#

Primary LanguageC#

Welcome to Tony.Interceptor

This is a project written by C# that can intercept instance method you want

You can do something before and do something after when you invoke the method

why use Tony.Interceptor

You can image you have write thousands of methods.one day ,your boss requires you to add the log for each method,you are driven mad.Would you want to write the log code in each method?

or you use the third part AOP Framework?That is very heavy

No,this is the reason you use Tony.Intercetor!!!


1.define a class that implement the interface IInterceptor:

so you can handle the BeforeInvoke and AfterInvoke

class LogInterceptor : IInterceptor
        public void AfterInvoke(object result, MethodBase method)

        public void BeforeInvoke(MethodBase method)

2.markup the class or method that you want to Intercept

First of all,the class must extend to Interceptable,in fact,the class Interceptable extends from ContextBoundObject,just put the class into the environment context

Then,you can use InterceptorAttribute to mark the class or a instance method in the class

If you mark the class ,it intercepts all the public instance method by default.

If you do not want to intercept a method int the marked class,you can use InterceptorIgnoreAttribute

    public class Test:ContextBoundObject
        public void TestMethod()
        public int Add(int a, int b)
            return a + b;
        public void MethodNotIntercept()

3.create the instance from the class and invoke the method

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Test test = new Test();

Global Setting

this is a switch that can enable or disable the interceptor.the switch is:

public static bool IsEnableIntercept { get; set; } = true;

the default value is true.if we set to false,the interceptor we have deployed is invalid