
[Deprecated] A simple C++ formatter that resembles SLF4J and Python format

Primary LanguageC++

This library is deprecated

Formatting is a simple header-only C++ library to format strings with automatic type inference. It resembles (with some simplifications though) the SLF4J Java library and Python's format method. The library is distributed with almost no restrictions due to BSD 2-clause license.

The simplest example of the library usage is:

std::string formatted = formatting::format("{} + {} is {} and that's {}", 2, 2, 2+2, true);

This makes the formatted string contain 2 + 2 is 4 and that's true. Some other examples include:

std::vector<int> v;
std::cout << formatting::format("v={}", v); 
// outputs `v=[100, 200]`

for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
	std::cout << formatting::format("{} ", width[3](i, '0'));
// outputs `000 001 002 003 004`

double pi = 3.14159265;
double e = 2.718281828;
std::cout << formatting::format("{} {}", precision[3](pi), precision[5](e));
// outputs `3.141 2.71828`

Self-explaining unit-tests can be found in the test/ folder of the repository.

In case of any troubles with the code please don't hesitate to fire an issue at github.

This project uses Travis CI.