
Tree Decomposition Attention for AMR-to-Text Generation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tree Decomposition Attention for AMR-to-Text Generation

Implementation of the corresponding paper.

Credit: This code is based on the repo for the 2020 AAAI paper "Graph Transformer for Graph-to-Sequence Learning". We are grateful to the authors for open-sourcing their work.

Environment Setup

The code is tested with Python 3.6. All dependencies are listed in requirements.txt.

Data Preparation

The instructions to prepare AMR data are given in the generator_data folder.

Model Training and Evaluation

The following steps should be done in the generator folder. The default settings in this repo should reproduce the results in our paper. Please check all scripts for correct arguments before use.

  1. Preprocess data and train
    sh prepare.sh  # vocab and data preprocessing
    sh train.sh
  2. Test and postprocess
    sh work.sh  # test
    sh test.sh  # postprocess (make sure --output is set)
  3. Evaluate
    ./multi-bleu.perl  # BLEU eval
    python chrF++.py -H [hyp] -R [ref]  # chrF++ eval
    java -Xmx2G -jar meteor-1.5.jar [hyp] [ref] -l en  # Meteor eval