- APS credentials.
- Service account added to your facility. This allows using 2-legged authentication to access facility.
- Node.js.
- Vite.
- Open server project.
- Setup APS credentials using environment variables (FORGE_CLIENT_ID, FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET).
- Start server. The server runs on port 5000.
- Open client project.
- Replace facility URN in App.tsx inside onLoadClick function.
- Start client using
npm run dev
. The client runs on port 3000. Server calls are automatically routed tohttp://localhost:5000
(see vite.config.ts for proxy settings).
- The sample is accessing Tandem using proxy (http://localhost:3000/viewer) which is served through Vite (see vite.config.ts).
- The viewer initialization is using similar approach to Forge viewer (see main.tsx).