
Terribly overengineered translator into Pig Latin.

Primary LanguageJava

Pig Latin Translator

Java code that translates a string (word, sentence, or paragraph) into “pig-latin” using the following rules.

  • Words that start with a consonant have their first letter moved to the end of the word and the letters “ay” added to the end.
    • Hello becomes Ellohay
  • Words that start with a vowel have the letters “way” added to the end.
    • apple becomes appleway
  • Words that end in “way” are not modified.
    • stairway stays as stairway
  • Punctuation must remain in the same relative place from the end of the word.
    • can’t becomes antca’y
    • end. becomes endway.
  • Hyphens are treated as two words
    • this-thing becomes histay-hingtay
  • Capitalization must remain in the same place.
    • Beach becomes Eachbay
    • McCloud becomes CcLoudmay