This program is used for sending live camera video to RTMP-Server,then the rtmp-stream can be decoded and played in any player which supports RTMP protocol.
It works well on camera device such as ASUS Xtion pro and Kinect. Please make sure the RTMP-Server have started,and the camera device is connected correctly before executing this program.
I am using nginx-rtmp server ,please make your stream server supports RTMP protocal and make your nginx.conf like this:
# ******* custom config ******
rtmp {
server {
listen 1935;
application rgb{
live on;
allow all;
application depth{
live on;
allow all;
# ******* custom config ******
There are two kinds of programs :
First one is C++ version. The code is in /camera_pusher_program . Compile :
g++ rgb_streamer.cpp -o pusher -lOpenNI2 -lavformat -lavdevice -lavcodec -lavutil -lpthread -lswscale -lavfilter -lswresample -lz -llzma -lbz2 -lrt -ltheoraenc -ltheoradec -lx264 `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs`
Note :This raw program just sends RGB camera stream to RTMP-Server .
Second one is ROS (Robot Operating System) version.The code is in /xbot2_tools ,you can build it by catkin_make --pkg xbot2_tools
rosrun xbot2_tools camera_pusher
You can subscribe "/camera/streamer_info" topic to receive notifications of its working state from another ROS node.
rtmp address of RGB video -- rtmp://localhost/rgb
rtmp address of Depth video -- rtmp://localhost/depth
(You can change it freely as long as your server has been configured correctly)
For RealSense R200 , you don't need to run camera_pusher
or ./pusher
. You can use this command to push camera stream to RTMP-server:
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video3 -r 25 -b:v 400k -vcodec h264 -preset superfast -tune zerolatency -an -f flv rtmp://localhost/rgb
If there's a mistake like this:
Use :
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video2 -r 25 -b:v 400k -vcodec h264 -preset superfast -tune zerolatency -an -f flv rtmp://localhost/rgb
Or use ls /dev/video*
to find a suitable video device .
Sometimes , an error occurs on Ubuntu 14.04 like this: