This ros package is a tool for xbot navigation. The navigoals node could help user point out a serial of navigation goals for xbot pursue. The package is usually used for two cases:
- for testing xbot in many running loops among a set of goals.
- used in places like museum or gallery that xbot will lead visitors to look over every part of exhibitions and explain with TTS voice.
- move_base
- rviz
- xbot
- gmapping/map_server
- rosrun
Once the navigation with move_base launched, just run:
rosrun xbot_navigoals navigoals
then in command line you will see the hint message for leading you use the tool.
- roslaunch add the following fragment to your launch file which already included the move_base package:
<node name="navi_goals" pkg="xbot_navigoals" type="navigoals" output="screen">
- /xbot_navigoals/navi_plans(nav_msgs/Path)
- /move_base_simple/goal(geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
- /xbot_navigoals/marker_goals(visualization_msgs/MarkerArray)
- /goal(geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
- /move_base/result(actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray)
- ~make_plan (nav_msgs/GetPlan)