
Diary of the bluetooth thermal printer reverse engineering

Primary LanguageJava

Bluetooth Termal Printer

I love BLE stuff. It's awesome eseptially in reverse engenering context. In this repo I do reverse engineering of the cute catish termal printer from Aliexpress. This includes transmission protocol and it's Android app because of images encoding.


-[ ] Be able to pring from laptop -[x] Reverse the transmission protocol -[ ] Reverse the image's processing mechanism

The Cat Printer

[ pic ]

It is supposed to be that the printer works with iPrint application. You connect your printer to the app, choose a picture to print, then iPrint process the image in some way and send it to a printer. Voila!

How to connect to the printer:

  1. Long press to power on.
  2. Green led starts to blink (it means the printer is not connected).
  3. Connect to the printer (using bluetoothctl or just open iPrint).
  4. Green led lights green - the printer is ready.

Bluetooth part

Connect with bluetoothctl

[bluetooth]# menu scan
[bluetooth]# clear
[bluetooth]# back
[bluetooth]# scan on
[NEW] Device B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66 GT01

[bluetooth]# pair B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66
Attempting to pair with B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66
[CHG] Device B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66 Connected: yes
[NEW] Primary Service (Handle 0xcad1)
[NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x2ace)
[NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x2ace)
[NEW] Descriptor (Handle 0x2040)
    Client Characteristic Configuration
[NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x2ace)
[NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x2ace)
[NEW] Descriptor (Handle 0x1c00)
    Client Characteristic Configuration
[NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x2ace)
[NEW] Descriptor (Handle 0x1940)
    Client Characteristic Configuration
[NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x2ace)
[NEW] Primary Service (Handle 0xcad1)
[NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x2ace)
[NEW] Characteristic (Handle 0x2ace)
[NEW] Descriptor (Handle 0xc360)
    Client Characteristic Configuration
[CHG] Device B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66 UUIDs: 0000ae30-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66 UUIDs: 0000ae3a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66 Paired: yes


The printer has two services:

    UUID: 0xAE01 (Unknown, WRITE NO RESPONSE)
    UUID: 0xAE02 (Unknown, NOTIFY)
            UUID: 0x2902
    UUID: 0xAE03 (Unknown, WRITE NO RESPONSE)
    UUID: 0xAE04 (Unknown, NOTIFY)
            UUID: 0x2902
    UUID: 0xAE05 (Unknown, INDICATE)
            UUID: 0x2902
    UUID: 0xAE10 (Unknown, READ, WRITE)

    UUID: 0xAE3C (Unknown, NOTIFY)
            UUID: 0x2902

Communication process

At this point I suppose only WRITE requests matters.

The following shows the communication process between iPrint and printer. Long story short, to print an image you should send three packages:

  • change MTU to 123
  • send 5178a80001000000ff5178a30001000000ff on 0xae01
  • send 5178bb0001000107ff on 0xae01

You can find the pre-printing strings in iPrint/classes/com/blueUtils/BluetoothUtils.java if you ever dare to inspect this shitty code by yourself.

In details

  1. Service: 0xae30, Characteristic: 0xae02 (NOTIFY), Desc: 0x2902

    Enables notification

    1. HEX:

      0000   02 0e 00 09 00 05 00 04 00 12 09 00 01 00
      0000   01 00
    2. Plain Text:

      localhost ()	b7:26:a2:0d:ca:66 ()	ATT	14	Sent Write Request, Handle: 0x0009 (Unknown: Unknown: Client Characteristic Configuration)
      Frame 70: 14 bytes on wire (112 bits), 14 bytes captured (112 bits)
      Bluetooth Attribute Protocol
          Opcode: Write Request (0x12)
              0... .... = Authentication Signature: False
              .0.. .... = Command: False
              ..01 0010 = Method: Write Request (0x12)
          Handle: 0x0009 (Unknown: Unknown: Client Characteristic Configuration)
              [Service UUID: Unknown (0xae30)]
              [Characteristic UUID: Unknown (0xae02)]
              [UUID: Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)]
          Characteristic Configuration Client: 0x0001, Notification
              0000 0000 0000 00.. = Reseved: 0x0000
              .... .... .... ..0. = Indication: False
              .... .... .... ...1 = Notification: True
  2. Service: 0xae30, Characteristic: 0xae04 (NOTIFY), Desc: 0x2902

    also enables notifications ...

  3. Service: 0xae30, Characteristic: 0xae05 (INDICATE), Desc: 0x2902

    manipulations with led?

    1. HEX:

      0000   02 0e 00 09 00 05 00 04 00 12 11 00 02 00
      0000   02 00
    2. Plain Text:

      Frame 78: 14 bytes on wire (112 bits), 14 bytes captured (112 bits)
      Bluetooth Attribute Protocol
          Opcode: Write Request (0x12)
              0... .... = Authentication Signature: False
              .0.. .... = Command: False
              ..01 0010 = Method: Write Request (0x12)
          Handle: 0x0011 (Unknown: Unknown: Client Characteristic Configuration)
              [Service UUID: Unknown (0xae30)]
              [Characteristic UUID: Unknown (0xae05)]
              [UUID: Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)]
          Characteristic Configuration Client: 0x0002, Indication
              0000 0000 0000 00.. = Reseved: 0x0000
              .... .... .... ..1. = Indication: True
              .... .... .... ...0 = Notification: False
  4. Exchange MTU Request, Client Rx MTU: 123

  5. Service: 0xae30, Characteristic: 0xae01 (WRITE NO RESPONSE)

    First pre-printing write request.

    1. HEX:

      0000   02 0e 00 19 00 15 00 04 00 52 06 00 51 78 a8 00
      0010   01 00 00 00 ff 51 78 a3 00 01 00 00 00 ff
      0000   51 78 a8 00 01 00 00 00 ff 51 78 a3 00 01 00 00
      0010   00 ff
    2. Plain Text:

      Frame 89: 30 bytes on wire (240 bits), 30 bytes captured (240 bits)
      Bluetooth Attribute Protocol
          Opcode: Write Command (0x52)
              0... .... = Authentication Signature: False
              .1.. .... = Command: True
              ..01 0010 = Method: Write Request (0x12)
          Handle: 0x0006 (Unknown: Unknown)
              [Service UUID: Unknown (0xae30)]
              [UUID: Unknown (0xae01)]
          Value: 5178a80001000000ff5178a30001000000ff

    In HEX translation the value comes after 02 0e 00 19 00 15 00 04 00 52 06 00 unknown header.

  6. Service: 0xae30, Characteristic: 0xae01 (WRITE NO RESPONSE)

    Second pre-printing write request

    1. HEX:

      0000   02 0e 00 10 00 0c 00 04 00 52 06 00 51 78 bb 00
      0010   01 00 01 07 ff

      The value also starts with '51 78'.

    2. Plain Text:

      Frame 93: 21 bytes on wire (168 bits), 21 bytes captured (168 bits)
      Bluetooth Attribute Protocol
          Opcode: Write Command (0x52)
              0... .... = Authentication Signature: False
              .1.. .... = Command: True
              ..01 0010 = Method: Write Request (0x12)
          Handle: 0x0006 (Unknown: Unknown)
              [Service UUID: Unknown (0xae30)]
              [UUID: Unknown (0xae01)]
          Value: 5178bb0001000107ff
  7. Service: 0xae30, Characteristic: 0xae01 (WRITE NO RESPONSE)

    Start image transmission. There is a chain of packets of 132 bytes each.

    Service: 0xae30, Characteristic: 0xae01 (WRITE NO RESPONSE)

     Bluetooth Attribute Protocol
         Opcode: Write Command (0x52)
             0... .... = Authentication Signature: False
             .1.. .... = Command: True
             ..01 0010 = Method: Write Request (0x12)
         Handle: 0x0006 (Unknown: Unknown)
             [Service UUID: Unknown (0xae30)]
             [UUID: Unknown (0xae01)]
         Value: 5178a30001000000ff5178a40001003399ff5178a6000b00aa551738445f5f5f44382ca1…


    Value starts with '51 78'

     0000   02 05 00 7f 00 7b 00 04  00 52 06 00 51 78 a3 00
     0010   01 00 00 00 ff 51 78 a4  00 01 00 33 99 ff 51 78
     0020   a6 00 0b 00 aa 55 17 38  44 5f 5f 5f 44 38 2c a1
     0030   ff 51 78 af 00 02 00 e0  2e 89 ff 51 78 be 00 01
     0040   00 00 00 ff 51 78 bd 00  01 00 1e 5a ff 51 78 bf
     0050   00 04 00 7f 7f 7f 03 a8  ff 51 78 bf 00 04 00 7f
     0060   7f 7f 03 a8 ff 51 78 bf  00 04 00 7f 7f 7f 03 a8
     0070   ff 51 78 bf 00 04 00 7f  7f 7f 03 a8 ff 51 78 bf
     0080   00 04 00 7f

Connect with Python

import codecs, json, six
from bluepy import btle

printer = btle.Peripheral(deviceAddr='B7:26:A2:0D:CA:66')

# Set MTU
resp = printer.setMTU(123)

# Write some params
printer.writeCharacteristic(6, codecs.decode('5178a80001000000ff5178a30001000000ff', 'hex'))
printer.writeCharacteristic(6, codecs.decode('5178bb0001000107ff', 'hex'))

# Print image by 120 len parts

for hex_str from hex_img:
    printer.writeCharacteristic(6, codecs.decode(hex_str, 'hex'))



How iPring encodes an image to print? Idk actually. Even now after reverse of iPrint and faking the entire process.

What do we see?

How to dump from wireshark

  1. Export image's packages as JSON (Good filter: bluetooth.addr==b7:26:a2:0d:ca:66)

  2. Extract hex data with Python

    with open('reverse_stuff/rfid-metka-picture.json') as j_file:
        pic_json = json.load(j_file)
    pic_hex = [val['_source']['layers']['btatt']['btatt.value'] for val in pic_json]
    pic_hex = [val.replace(':', '') for val in pic_hex]
    # from arry to str
    pic_hex = ''.join(pic_hex)
    with open('reverse_stuff/rfid-metka-picture.pichex', 'w') as h_file:

  • A printed image looks like Floyd–Steinberg dithering algorithm was used.

  • No standard printer ESP/bla-bla codes.

  • Image starts with 'headers':

  • Image ends with 'footers':

  • Each line starts with 5178a2003000.

iPrint reverse engenering

To get the information about an image encoding I had reversed iPring app.

How to decompile:

$ mkdir iPrint && cp iPrint\(com.frogtosea.iprint\)-1.1.0\(18\)-base.apk iPrint/ && cd iPrint
$ mv iPrint\(com.frogtosea.iprint\)-1.1.0\(18\)-base.apk iPrint.zip && unzip iPrint.zip
$ jadx classes.dex

I had spent a lot of time reading the code and eventually found the part with an image transformation. You can see it in BitmapTest directory as part of my testing app. It also gave me a couple of constants which my printer model is defined by.

I want to shed the light on the most puzzling part of image transformation. There a bit of math in it.