- HackerOne Report: https://hackerone.com/reports/827052
- Exploit-DB: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/48431
- How to reproduce excecution part manually: From reading to execution
- main script. It uses thewhiteh4t's code to exploit cve-2020-10977 at the first time and hook asecret_key_base
from given repository. Then it launchcookie_maker.sh
to generate cookie with payload.Usege: python get_secret.py http://gitlab.vh foo gfhjkm123
- lauchs docker and generates malicious cookie. Can be used standalone.Usage: cookie_maker.sh <secret_key_base> "echo /etc/passwd > /tmp/owned"
- Docker
- cve-2020-10977 - submodule by thewhiteh4t
Based on thewhiteh4t's repository: https://github.com/thewhiteh4t/cve-2020-10977
It can should contain bugs. If get_secret.py
ended up correctly but no cookies it output - run it again.