Z1 Front-end Challenge

Here at Z1 we love music! We want to share our favorite tunes with you, therefore we have made a music application.

To start:

-To launch the project :- Run yarn dev

-To launch the storybook:- Run yarn storybook

Implemented Features 🎶 🎶

In your music application the user is able to see list of songs, search a specific song by author or song name, and save its favorite tunes.

Player functionalities! 🔊

  • By clicking on the play button of each card, the song is loaded on the player and start playing

  • Player is fully functional. User is able to:

  • Play and pause song

  • Listen to any song they choose

  • Move between songs with the prev/next buttons of the audio player

  • If a song list is playing. Once the song ends, it automatically goes to the next one

  • The user can fast forward the song by the progress bar

To carry out these functionalities I have used:

  • LocalStorage to save fav tunes
  • Hooks to separate the responsibility between components and their logic
  • Apollo Client to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL.
  • Storybook to document the components:- CardSong, Message, AudioPlayer.
  • The HTML element is used to play the songs

Stack and tech considerations

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  • This project is written in Next.js
  • The project includes Typescript
  • Likewise, we usually work with GraphQL
  • For styling, we use styled-components
  • We use Storybook tool for UI