
Replicate -- REPL plugin for the Kakoune text editor

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Replicate -- REPL Plugin for Kakoune

This plugin provides commands for REPL interaction in the Kakoune text editor.



Clone the repository into the autoload directory.


At first run:

:require-module replicate


If you do not need more than one REPL, the following commands are all you need.

Start a new REPL:


Send the current selection to the REPL:


Multiple REPLs

If you want to have more than one REPL, you can set IDs for them. There are two ways:

  1. Explicitly address one specific REPL by passing the ID as an argument to the commands.
:replicate-start julia

This starts a REPL with the ID julia. Now you can send a selection to that REPL with

:replicate-send julia
  1. Set the option replicate_id for some scope.
:set-option buffer replicate_id "guile"

After that the commands replicate-start and replicate-send use the REPL with the ID guile, when they are run in that buffer.

Scratch Buffer

You can open a scratch buffer with the current filetype and replicate_id by running:



  • str replicate_id, default: "default"
    The name of the REPL ID that is used for the commands replicate-start and replicate-send, when they are run without any argument.


  • replicate-start [<id>]:
    Start a REPL with the given ID.
    If no <id> is given the replicate_id of the current scope is used.

  • replicate-scratch
    Opens a replicate scratch buffer.
    replicate_id and filetype of the current scope are used.

  • replicate-send [<id>]:
    Send selection to REPL with the given ID.
    If no <id> is given the replicate_id of the current scope is used.