
table editor plugin for Kakoune (mirror of https://gitlab.com/listentolist/kakoune-table)

Table editor plugin for Kakoune

This plugin provides commands for simple table formatting.


If you use plug.kak, just put this into your kakrc:

plug "listentolist/kakoune-table" domain "gitlab.com" config %{
    # suggested mappings

    # map global user t ": evaluate-commands -draft table-align<ret>" -docstring "align table"

    # map global user t ": table-enable<ret>" -docstring "enable table mode"
    # map global user T ": table-disable<ret>" -docstring "disable table mode"
    # map global user t ": table-toggle<ret>" -docstring "toggle table mode"
    # map global user t ": enter-user-mode table<ret>" -docstring "table"
    # map global user T ": enter-user-mode -lock table<ret>" -docstring "table (lock)"


  • table-align
  • table-select
  • table-add-row-below
  • table-add-row-above
  • table-enable
  • table-disable
  • table-toggle
  • table-next-cell
  • table-previous-cell
  • table-move-column-right
  • table-move-column-left
  • table-move-row-up
  • table-move-row-down


If you want to align the table, just do table-align. It is only important that the columns are separated by a | and the first non-whitespace character of each line of the table is |. To get a horizontal line, you just have to begin the row with |-.


| a|  b|c

When you run table-align you get:

| a | b | c |
|   |   |   |

You can fill in the empty fields, change other fields or add new columns:

| a | bb | c | new column
| aaa  | bbb  |   |
|new row

After running table-align, you get:

| a       | bb  | c | new column |
| aaa     | bbb |   |            |
| new row |     |   |            |

The indent of the table is specified by the indent of the first line of the table:

········| a       | bb  | c | new column |
| aaa     | bbb |   |            |
············| new row |     |   |            |

Running table-align:

········| a       | bb  | c | new column |
········| aaa     | bbb |   |            |
········| new row |     |   |            |

Interactive table editing

There is also an interactive table editing mode, that defines some convenient mappings. You can enable, disable and toggle it by running table-enable, table-disable and table-toggle. Whenever you leave insert mode by pressing <esc> the table will be re-aligned. By pressing <tab> and <s-tab> you can jump from cell to cell in insert and normal mode. With o and O in normal mode you add a row. By pressing <a-h>,<a-j>,<a-k>,<a-l> you can move columns and rows both in insert and normal mode.