
Front end React application connecting to a WordPress driven CMS via the new JSON API

Primary LanguagePHP

alt text

vs 3.1.2

Developed by usTwo for the Cancer Council, January 2017. This is a React Applicaition (/src) which compiles into a standalone HTML folder called build. This build folder is currently rsynced to an AWS server where it is accessed from it's url http://beta.healthylunchbox.com.au

Beta Login

cc : healthy

The app connects to a WordPress installation on another subdomain http://api.healthylunchbox.com.au/ to get its content via WordPress's native JSON API support.

WordPress Logins

admin : (please ask)

editor : (please ask)

The WordPress install folder is in /api, but you'll need to ask Hooch (Chris Langlands hooch@ustwo.com) to dump an up to date DB for you for you if you wish to set up a local version. When you're done, run npm run build to create the build and rsync it to your server.

For any other info, contact listingslab@gmail.com

Developer Installation

Developers will need to be invited to collaborate on this private GitHub repo. Ask Petch or Hooch

cd to your working directory (ours is ~/node) and run the following. Clone the directory, which uses a GitFlow methodology. Checkout both master and develop branches but DO NOT develop into them. Create a feature. Develop that. Once it's done, merge into develop.

git clone git@github.com:ustwo/healthy-lunch-box.git npm install npm start

Basta. That's it. You should be running a local dev environment using webpack devserver. Your App is viewable on http://localhost:8080.

Tech Stack

A React frontend designed to consume a WordPress REST-API backend service found here: healthylunchbox.com.au.

This is a complete Webpack build development environment which enables fast in-editor pre-testing of our React app against lint rules for both JavaScript and SCSS and enables multi-device testing while we develop and compile the app.

CSS (scss)

Styling for the various react components and templates has been split out into the same folders as the React code they relate to, but there are a few other files to look out for.


This file can be used to apply styles application wide. It's a useful place for responsiveness related styling.


This file controls the style for all of the lunchbox builder screens.


The react application uses some custom WordPress API endpoints to retrieve data. The php for this can be found in the theme - /api/wordpress/wp-content/themes/listingslab-react.

Endpoint examples




Global JavaScript variables

There are two global variables used in the React app. Firstly 'editor' (Boolean) which turns the edit buttons on or off. The second is called cms & is the global information store where the data loaded from the API are stored.

These are initialised in /public/index.html

Using Atom editor?

Install IDE linting. It's proper helpful

apm install linter-eslint

apm install linter-stylelint

rsync commands for uploading to the AWS

Ask hooch to hook you up with the correct access for this to work.

To upload latest build

`rsync -avz --delete //healthy-lunch-box/build/ ec2-user@beta.healthylunchbox.com.au:/var/www/html/healthylunchbox.com.au/``

To upload latest WordPress API

`rsync -avz //healthy-lunch-box/api/wordpress/ ec2-user@beta.healthylunchbox.com.au:/var/www/html/api.healthylunchbox.com.au/``

NPM Scripts

npm start Runs webpack-dev-server with hot reload

npm run build Creates production ready application into /build folder

npm run elint Run & Summarise the linting process

npm run slint Run the style lint process