
Isomorphic JavaScript Invitation Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Invite and track guests to events like weddings

What are the most important questions to answer?

  1. Who? (It's always all about the people being first)
  2. What? (What the people are doing)
  3. When?
  4. Where?
  5. How?

Isomorphic JavaScript Server

  • A public site that is just static html, served with static-now. The site will do API calls back to the server for the content.
  • An administration site for administration of the text content of the site. This will be based on my example koa example blog
  • An API serving the content from use form the static site.

http://www.marcusoft.net/2015/04/koa-js-and-the-power-of-mouting.html https://www.npmjs.com/package/koa-simple-auth


JavaScript, Node.js, Koa.js, OpenShift, Git, npm, webpack, React, postcss-cssnext



black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white gray grey

background colors

bgBlack bgRed bgGreen bgYellow bgBlue bgMagenta bgCyan bgWhite