
Learn how to do modern JavaScript Apps with React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Healthy Lunch Box


You'll need to be invited to collaborate on this private GitHub repo. Ask Petch or Hooch

cd to your working directory (ours is ~/node) https://github.com/ustwo/healthy-lunch-box.git



rsync for uploading to the AWS

rsync -avz /Users/listingslab/node/healthy-lunch-box/build/ ec2-user@beta.healthylunchbox.com.au:/var/www/html/healthylunchbox.com.au/

rsync -avz /Users/listingslab/node/healthy-lunch-box/api/wordpress/ ec2-user@beta.healthylunchbox.com.au:/var/www/html/api.healthylunchbox.com.au/

rsync -avz /Users/listingslab/node/healthy-lunch-box/api/wordpress/wp-content/themes/ ec2-user@beta.healthylunchbox.com.au:/var/www/html/api.healthylunchbox.com.au/wp-content/themes/

Tech Stack Overview

A React frontend designed to consume a WordPress REST-API backend service found here: healthylunchbox.com.au.

This is a complete Webpack build development environment which enables fast in-editor pre-testing of our React app against lint rules for both JavaScript and SCSS and enables multi-device testing while we develop and compile the app.

NPM Scripts

npm start

Runs webpack-dev-server with hot reload

npm run build

Creates production ready application into /build folder

npm run elint

Run & Summarise the linting process

npm run slint

Run the style lint process

More Info

Using Atom editor? Install IDE linting. It's proper helpful

apm install linter-eslint & apm install linter-stylelint