A set of Objective-C additions and macros that lets you to write code more quickly.
Use CocoaPods
dependency 'ConciseKit', '~> 0.1.0'
- Copy files under
to your project.
#import "ConciseKit.h"
[$ swizzleMethod:@selector(foo) with:@selector(bar) in:[Foo class]]
[$ swizzleMethod:@selector(foo) in:[Foo class] with:@selector(bar) in:[Bar class]]
[$ swizzleClassMethod:@selector(foo) with:@selector(bar) in:[Foo class]]
[$ swizzleClassMethod:@selector(foo) in:[Foo class] with:@selector(bar) in:[Bar class]]
[$ homePath] => path to user's home directory
[$ desktopPath] => path to user's desktop directory
[$ documentPath] => path to user's document directory
[$ appPath] => path to app directory
[$ resourcePath] => path to app's resources directory
Useful when writing tests for asynchronous tasks. Default timeout is 10 seconds, checking is done every 0.1 seconds.
[$ waitUntil:^{ return (BOOL)(someConditionIsMet == YES) }]
[$ waitUntil:^{ return (BOOL)(someConditionIsMet == YES) } timeOut:10.0]
[$ waitUntil:^{ return (BOOL)(someConditionIsMet == YES) } timeOut:10.0 interval:0.1]
@interface Foo
- (id)initSingleton; // <= add these to the interface
+ (Foo *)sharedFoo; // <= where Foo is the class name
@implementation Foo
$singleton(Foo); // => makes Foo a singleton class
- (id)initSingleton {
foo = 1; // do initialization in -initSingleton method
bar = 2;
return self;
$shared(Foo) // => returns the shared instance
/* or */
[Foo sharedFoo]
$new(Foo) => [[[Foo alloc] init] autorelease]
$eql(foo, bar) => [foo isEqual:bar]
$safe(obj) => (obj == [NSNull null] ? nil : obj)
$arr(foo, bar) => [NSArray arrayWithObjects:foo, bar, nil]
$marr(foo, bar) => [NSMutableArray ...]
$set(foo, bar) => [NSSet setWithObjects:foo, bar, nil]
$mset(foo, bar) => [NSMutableSet ...]
$dict(v1, k1, v2, k2) => [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:v1, k1, v2, k2, nil]
$mdict(v1, k1, v2, k2) => [NSMutableDictionary ...]
$str(@"foo: %@", bar) => [NSString stringWithFormat:@"foo: %@", bar]
$mstr(@"foo: %@", bar) => [NSMutableString ...]
$bool(YES) => [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
$int(123) => [NSNumber numberWithInt:123]
$float(123.4) => [NSNumber numberWithFloat:123.4]
$char(), $double(), $integer(), $long(), $longlong(), $short(),
$uchar(), $uint(), $uinteger(), $ulong(), $ulonglong(), $ushort()
$nonretained(), $pointer(), $point(), $range(), $rect(), $size()
[array $first] => [array objectAtIndex:0]
[array $last] => [array lastObject]
[array $at:1] => [array objectAtIndex:1]
[array $each:^(id obj) {
NSLog(@"%@", obj);
[array $eachWithIndex:^(id obj, NSUInteger i) {
NSLog(@"%d %@", i, obj);
[array $eachWithStop:^(id obj, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"%@", obj);
if($eql(obj, @"foo")) {
*stop = YES;
[array $eachWithIndexAndStop:^(id obj, NSUInteger i, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"%d %@", i, obj);
if(i == 1) {
*stop = YES;
[array $map:^(id obj) {
return $integer([obj integerValue] * 2);
[array $mapWithIndex:^(id obj, NSUInteger i) {
return $integer([obj integerValue] * 2 + i);
[array $push:foo] => [array addObject:foo] (+ returns self)
[dict $for:@"foo"] => [dict objectForKey:@"foo"]
[dict $obj:@"bar" for:@"foo"] => [dict setObject:@"bar" forKey:@"foo"] (+ returns self)
[string $append:@"foo"] => [string stringByAppendString:@"foo"]
[string $prepend:@"foo"] => [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", @"foo", string]
[string $split:@","] => [string componentsSeparatedByString:@","]
[string $append_:@"foo"] => [string appendString:@"foo"] (+ returns self)
[string $prepend_:@"foo"] => [string insertString:@"foo" atIndex:0] (+ returns self)
[string $insert:@"foo" at:1] => [string insertString:@"foo" atIndex:1] (+ returns self)
[string $set:@"foo"] => [string setString:@"foo"] (+ returns self)
Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Peter Jihoon Kim. This code is licensed under the MIT License.