
Ansible Role - Kibana

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Kibana


An Ansible Role that installs Kibana on RedHat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

kibana_version: "7.x"

The version of kibana to install.

kibana_package: kibana
kibana_package_state: present

The specific package to be installed. You can specify a version of the package using the correct syntax for your platform and package manager by changing the package name. You can also control the package state (e.g. present, absent, or latest).

kibana_service_state: started
kibana_service_enabled: true

Controls whether the kibana service is started and enabled on system boot.

kibana_config_template: kibana.yml.j2
kibana_config_file_path: /etc/kibana/kibana.yml

The template to use for the Kibana config file, and the path to which the config file will be written.

kibana_server_port: 5601
kibana_server_host: ""

The FQDN or IP address and port Kibana should use.

kibana_elasticsearch_url: "http://localhost:9200"

The URL (including port) over which Kibana will connect to Elasticsearch.

kibana_elasticsearch_username: ""
kibana_elasticsearch_password: ""

If Elasticsearch is protected by HTTP basic authentication, set the username and password so Kibana can connect.

kibana_extra_options: ''

A placeholder for arbitrary configuration options not exposed by the role. This will be appended as-is to the end of the kibana.yml file, as long as your variable preserves formatting with a |. For example:

kibana_extra_options: |  # Dont forget the pipe!
    some.option: true
    another.option: false



Example Playbook

- hosts: kibana
    - geerlingguy.kibana



Author Information

This role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.