
nmap in Python using python3-nmap library.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Nmap


Python Nmap : 🚀

Using nmap manually can be a pain. Luckily, we have got python to do that. In this script, I have simplified using nmap in Python using python3-nmap library.

Python Nmap Instructions: 👨🏻‍💻

Step 1:

Open Termnial 💻

Step 2:

Move to the directory: Python-Nmap/

Step 3:

Install the required packages using the the command:

1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2. sudo apt-get install nmap

Step 4:

Now to run the script, run the command:

python3 scanner.py

Now you will be displayed with choices for various scans.
Chose the one that fits your purpose.

Enter the IP-ADDRESS/DOMAIN-NAME accordingly.

Step 5:

Sit back and Relax. Let the Script do the Job. ☕
The results of the scan will be displayed.


Use at your own risk.

Screenshots of Output