
My digital cookbook of kitchen alchemy.

Dawn's Recipe Book

For several years now, I've introduced myself as an 'occasional author and kitchen alchemist' when I present. My method in the kitchen generally involves either adapting recipes that I get from other sources, or throwing the ingredients in my fridge into a pot and seeing what sticks. As such, I decided that I should maintain a Git repo of my successes, both for my own reference and for sharing with others.


Q: Where do you get all of these recipes from?
A: Many of them come from people that I know. Some of them are modified versions of recipes that I pull off the Internet to use up specific ingredients. Sometimes, I make it up as I go along. People and original recipes are credited where I've been able to find them.

Q: Where's all the meat and dairy?
A: I'm vegetarian, save for the occasional portion of salmon, and very lactose-intolerant. I will cook meat dishes for others, but as I don't eat them myself, I don't often get the opportunity to do so. I typically substitute dairy for oil, non-dairy spreads, or soy milk.

Q: Are these meals nutritionally balanced?
A: On the whole, probably not - I dread to think what a dietitian would have to say about my food intake. Maintaining a balanced diet is much easier for meat-eaters. However, they are generally relatively high in vegetable content.