LEGACY REPO. This repository is for maintenance of the legacy LitElement library. The LitElement base class is now part of the Lit library, which is developed in the lit monorepo.
- 4
static get properties() vs @property(): How to get properties when @property() is used.
#1111 opened by GHNewbiee - 10
Synchronous update
#1103 opened by antonioaltamura - 95
Ideas for LitElement 3.0
#1077 opened by sorvell - 4
What's the correct way to use npm distributed css?
#1053 opened by Shuumatsu - 4
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Question: Why use comment nodes for marking position?
#1120 opened by AugustNagro - 2
How to update class based static styles property?
#1116 opened by philkunz - 3
Allow `URL` instances in `css` template tag
#1117 opened by hsablonniere - 4
Iterating properties and their options
#1102 opened by GHNewbiee - 1
Question: @query no resolving?
#1118 opened by fireflysemantics - 2
Hooking into connected and disconnected callbacks fails
#1112 opened by philkunz - 1
Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value #<Object> is not a constructor or null
#1114 opened by chicken-suop - 2
Example on animating array of items rendered
#1099 opened by andrewscofield - 5
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Advice on Validating/Updating Properties
#1110 opened by jvoccia - 4
Howto define event handler in html
#1101 opened by MichaelPeter - 7
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using paper-material-styles with lit-element
#1094 opened by zeratax - 1
property's 'hasChanged' Option is false, but, updated with other changed property
#1098 opened by jerrynim - 2
on click event of button want to toggle dropdown
#1091 opened by anjneeksharma - 1
TypeError: Illegal invocation error is thrown when using queryAssignedNodes with text nodes
#1088 opened by dmondev - 10
(Chrome dev tools - not lit element) Memory leaking - happens with lit-element README example too
#1090 opened by cintaccs - 7
Incorrect behaviour when using `super.update()` as shown in the documentation.
#1085 opened by jandreola - 1
Triggering methods of LitElement instances with events results in: Cannot read property 'has' of undefined
#1082 opened - 1
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Property decorator doesn't trigger render
#1052 opened by u-can-do-it - 0
2.4.0 Release: Release Notes
#1049 opened by justinfagnani - 1
2.4.0 Release Plan
#1051 opened by justinfagnani - 0
2.4.0 Release: Verify changelog
#1050 opened by justinfagnani - 1
Focus handling in v3
#1078 opened by Christian24 - 3
Functional API
#1075 opened by gunar - 6
Graph/Network/Node visual/textual support
#1076 opened by EAzari - 3
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Attribute selector does not work with :host selector
#1073 opened by arodic - 2
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Overriding a component is no longer possible
#1070 opened by BenoitClaveau - 2
Re-export lit-html directives from LitElement
#1069 opened by DanielKehoe - 8
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can't install LitElement
#1054 opened by arnavzek - 2
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Triggering performUpdate() seems a lot less sensitive than previous version 2.4.0
#1064 opened by cintaccs - 1
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2.4.0 Release: Run Google Internal Tests
#1048 opened by justinfagnani - 2