LEGACY REPO. This repository is for maintenance of the legacy LitElement library. The LitElement base class is now part of the Lit library, which is developed in the lit monorepo.
- 8
Unnecessary breaking change in Lit 2 when using TypeScript
#1164 opened by Artur- - 3
Performance issue in Safari (Mac): Forces layout/reflow on hover.
#1150 opened by nirmalbaldaniya-dream - 2
Forward Compatibility With Lit 2 misleading
#1213 opened by FelixSchuSi - 6
Using with React + Typescript
#1172 opened by makoven - 6
- 3
Add a way to know when rendering of an element, and ALL its sub-elements, is finished
#1206 opened by mercmobily - 6
- 2
- 4
How do you get the actual click event target?
#1216 opened by treeder - 5
#1185 opened by tamis-laan - 2
Use webpack and babel-loader, @query is undefined
#1121 opened by WUSO01 - 1
Enable GitHub discussions?
#1151 opened by tony - 7
position:absolute not working on lit-element
#1173 opened by tamis-laan - 1
'enableUpdating is not a function' when dynamically appending to element to the DOM
#1175 opened by brewsoftware - 1
webpack url-loader and css font-face
#1178 opened by tamis-laan - 1
- 1
Typescript error on latest build
#1179 opened by markcellus - 1
- 2
Support for contexts?
#1182 opened by mcjazzyfunky - 1
idempotent/soft customElement decorator
#1189 opened by gullerya - 1
jsdelivr/+esm: [object Object]
#1197 opened by X7md - 4
- 6
- 1
- 3
Accessibility => lit-element + Google Chrome Screen Reader Extension => UI Design is Changed
#1204 opened by VijayanRamachandran - 0
Move tests and benchmarks to GitHub Actions
#1202 opened by bicknellr - 11
Bug/Question: LitElement rendering into multiple iframes no styles with constructable stylesheets
#1139 opened by daKmoR - 1
Nested components, slot and text styling
#1198 opened by YannDuv - 2
No release major/minor branches available for reference.
#1201 opened by elycruz - 2
Git tags are not in sync with npm tags
#1200 opened by elycruz - 4
`@property` / `static get properties` break in certain webpack/babel configurations
#1135 opened by matthias-ccri - 0
Should not be necessary to copy TemplateResult
#1195 opened by Sofie-Bergqvist - 1
state() is shown as deprecated in LitElement 2.5
#1191 opened by Artur- - 2
Error throw when accessing queryAssignedNodes getter
#1122 opened by ErikGrimes - 0
Export UpdatingElement as ReactiveElement for forward compatibility with 3.0
#1176 opened by justinfagnani - 8
Sometimes adoptStyles is not called
#1158 opened by bschlenk - 1
- 5
- 0
Update open-wc project generator link
#1159 opened by toddpress - 4
- 1
CustomEvent blocked/lost?
#1157 opened by tamis-laan - 0
Slack invitation links are expired
#1153 opened by Joel-Levi - 0
- 0
updateComplete and firstUpdated working properly?
#1144 opened by tamis-laan - 0
- 2
- 1
- 2
Render user defined template
#1125 opened by LukeTOBrien - 0
Upgrade to latest TypeScript version
#1126 opened by sorvell - 1