LLVM "test-suite" Repository ---------------------------- Please see the LLVM testing infrastructure guide: https://llvm.org/docs/TestSuiteGuide.html for more information on the contents of this repository. To run Valida tests: * Clone lita-xyz:llvm-valida into the parent directory of this repo * Follow the Valida build instructions in its README, up to and including compiling `DelendumEntryPoint.c` * From the parent directory of this repo, run `./llvm-test-suite/run-valida-tests.sh` There is also a `valida_test` script that will automatically run a single test or all the tests inside a folder. * To run a single test, specify with `--file`: ``` ./llvm-test-suite/valida_test --file ./llvm-test-suite/correctness/read.c ``` * To run all the test files in a folder, specify with `--folder`: ``` ./llvm-test-suite/valida_test --folder ./llvm-test-suite/correctness ``` A test file must be: * a `.c` file * has a set of inputs and outputs specified with prefixes: `INPUT-` and `CHECK-`. For example, a pair of test input and expected output can be written as: ``` // INPUT-same: 1234, 1234 // CHECK-same: 2468 ``` * The above forms a single test case named `same`, with two inputs, 1234 and 1234, each is encoded as 32bit unsigned integer. * The expected output is a single 32bit unsigned integer, with value 2468. * a single file can consist of multiple test cases.