
Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Brief guide to install and run the software TURBINS. 

Developed by: 
	Mohamad M. Nasr-Azadani
	PhD Candidate
	Department of Mechanical Engineering, 
	University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. 
	Contact information: mmnasr@engr.ucsb.edu, mmnasr@gmail.com

1- Requirements: 
	a) PETSc 3.1 (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/)
	b) Hypre 2.7.b (http://acts.nersc.gov/hypre/)
	c) HDF5 (http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/)

2- Installation:

	a) Install PETSc with hypre and hdf5. 
	For a detailed instruction see (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/installation.html)
	The easiest way is to download the hypre.tar.gz file directly from hypre website and store the tar.gz file locally. 
	Do not untar or install that file if you would like PETSc to do the installation. 
	For example, to install PETSc without debugging mode (faster!) and gcc compilers, you can simply: 

		./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-fc=gfortran --download-f-blas-lapack=1 --download-mpich=1 --download-hypre=[address_to_the_hypre_tar_file] --download-hdf5=1

	If configuration goes fine, then you can simply install the PETSc by:

		make all test

	At the end, it will run some simple tests to verify the installation. 
	If you are compiling this on a supercomputer, sometimes the tests fail, do not worry it is because of the scheduling issue. 
	Also, for trouble with PETSc installation, PETSc email list is very active. You can ask your questions and get prompt response. 
	[see http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/miscellaneous/mailing-lists.html]

	b) Updating the Makefile:
	Once the PETSc installation is complete, using the right PETSC_ARCH and PETSC_DIR (just go to PETSC_DIR), we need to extract the libraries and include directories. 
	In the petsc directory type to get: 

		make getlinklibs
	The result should be copied as SYS_LIBS in the Makefile provided. 
		make getincludedirs

	The result should be copied as PETSC_INCLUDE in the Makefile provided. 

3- Compile TURBINS
	Once the Makefile is updated, simply type 


	If there are no errors, an executable file named "gvg" is generated. 
	Copy this file along with the "input.inp" file and you can run the code (or submit it to a scheduler on supercomputers)

4- Extra necessary files

	If you are resuming the code, make sure the Resume flag in the input.inp file is set to YES. 
	Also, you need to run "gvg" in the folder with all the files starting with Resume_*.bin
	If you are running the code with nonuniform grid, you need to provide three grid files. They have to be in the same folder as "gvg" file. 

	To generate these files, just simply comple GridGenerator.c file in the Others folder. 
	Run the executable and mv the "grid.dat" file to the folder with gvg file. 
	Remember that you need to compile and run this code three times for each direction to generate Grid_x.inp, Grid_y.inp and Grid_z.inp files. 
	(see instructions on how to generate non-uniform grid using GridGenerator.c)