
Go library for accessing trending repositories and developers at Github.

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A package to retrieve trending repositories and developers from Github written in golang.

trending package showcase

This package were inspired by rochefort/git-trend (Ruby) and sheharyarn/github-trending (Ruby).


  • Get trending repositories
  • Get trending developers
  • Get trending languages
  • Get all programming languages known by GitHub
  • Filtering by time and (programming) language
  • Support for GitHub Enterprise


It is go gettable

$ go get github.com/andygrunwald/go-trending

(optional) to run unit / example tests:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/andygrunwald/go-trending
$ go test -v


Please have a look at the GoDoc documentation for a detailed API description.


Further a few examples how the API can be used. A few more examples are available in the GoDoc examples section.

List trending repositories of today for all languages

package main

import (

func main() {
	trend := trending.NewTrending()

	// Show projects of today
	projects, err := trend.GetProjects(trending.TimeToday, "")
	if err != nil {
	for index, project := range projects {
		no := index + 1
		if len(project.Language) > 0 {
			fmt.Printf("%d: %s (written in %s with %d ★ )\n", no, project.Name, project.Language, project.Stars)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("%d: %s (with %d ★ )\n", no, project.Name, project.Stars)

List trending repositories of this week for golang

package main

import (

func main() {
	trend := trending.NewTrending()

	// Show projects of today
	projects, err := trend.GetProjects(trending.TimeWeek, "go")
	if err != nil {
	for index, project := range projects {
		no := index + 1
		if len(project.Language) > 0 {
			fmt.Printf("%d: %s (written in %s with %d ★ )\n", no, project.Name, project.Language, project.Stars)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("%d: %s (with %d ★ )\n", no, project.Name, project.Stars)

List trending developers of this month for Swift

package main

import (

func main() {
	trend := trending.NewTrending()

	developers, err := trend.GetDevelopers(trending.TimeMonth, "swift")
	if err != nil {
	for index, developer := range developers {
		no := index + 1
		fmt.Printf("%d: %s (%s)\n", no, developer.DisplayName, developer.FullName)

List available languages

package main

import (

func main() {
	trend := trending.NewTrending()

	// Show languages
	languages, err := trend.GetLanguages()
	if err != nil {
	for index, language := range languages {
		no := index + 1
		fmt.Printf("%d: %s (%s)\n", no, language.Name, language.URLName)



This project is released under the terms of the MIT license.