Production-ready, Light, Flexible and Extensible ASGI API framework | Effortlessly Build Performant APIs
Pinned issues
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Enhancement: Be able to enforce `min_length`, `max_length`, etc. for `SecretString`
#3786 opened by bdoms - 2
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Bug: create_static_files_router with S3FS crashes due to unsupported fs info key (`mtime`)
#3899 opened by thomastu - 0
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Bug: 405: Method Not Allowed when using Websockets with Litestar and Nginx Unit
#3887 opened by FixFlare - 9
Bug: CLI - `litestar run` raises `'Scope' is not defined` when using `Request` in type annotation
#3895 opened by jacopofar - 8
Bug: OpenAPI schema generation for handler <...> detected multiple parameters named <...> with different types
#3889 opened by Molozey - 3
Bug: `litestar run` CLI has several readability issues
#3822 opened by sobolevn - 1
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Docs: example in "DTO: Excluding fields" is not clear
#3804 opened by sobolevn - 8
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Enhancement: Support Multiple Media Types for a single endpoint as in the OpenAPI specification
#3882 opened by iongion - 7
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Bug: ResourceWarning: Unclosed file <tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile object ...>
#3835 opened by gsakkis - 1
Bug: Missing WebSocket Connection State Validation on Close and Message Send Operations
#3848 opened by ashm-dev - 6
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Enhancement: Support for returning `AsyncGenerator[ServerSentEventMessage, None]` at route handler
#3851 opened by winstxnhdw - 1
Bug: schema_extra does not recognize upstream JSONSchema property/key names
#3766 opened by charles-dyfis-net - 2
Bug: "Lockfile hash doesn't match pyproject.toml, packages may be outdated" warning in pdm
#3787 opened by sobolevn - 2
Bug: ResourceWarning: Unclosed <MemoryObjectReceiveStream> with AsyncTestClient and anyio>=4.4
#3834 opened by gsakkis - 0
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Docs: testing + debug mode
#3780 opened by romuald - 0
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Bug: Sentry SDK Integration breaks JWT Authentication
#3853 opened by bpereto - 2
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Enhancement: Pydantic models, dataclasses or msgpack structs as query, header or cookie
#3841 opened by Forceres - 3
Bug: WebSocket connection fails due to 'GET' method being sent instead of None (Litestar expects None)
#3840 opened by gangstand - 0
Bug: request.scope["path_template"] different from request.scope["path"] and sometimes empty
#3806 opened by wallseat - 2
Bug: new docs theme makes code hard to read
#3812 opened by sobolevn - 0
Enhancement: provide security middleware
#3829 opened by sobolevn - 0
Docs: provide an example of using JSON-based logging
#3827 opened by sobolevn - 0
Bug: `test_default_no_warns` failed in CI
#3821 opened by sobolevn - 0
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Enhancement: consider adding mypy plugin for type checking `data.create_instance(id=1, address__id=2)`
#3814 opened by sobolevn - 1
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Docs: let's improve "DTO: basic use" page
#3800 opened by sobolevn - 0
Docs: improve "Improving performance with the codegen backend" docs in "DTOs"
#3801 opened by sobolevn - 1
Bug: using a custom jinja Environement seems to bypass a potential template callable
#3791 opened by euri10 - 2
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Bug: `.devcontainer/Dockerfile` uses 3.13 which is not supported and not tested
#3789 opened by sobolevn - 0
Bug: `return_dto` with optional nested `Struct` field raises 500 error when no default exists
#3785 opened by bdoms - 1
Bug: .pgpass doesn't work for passwordless PostgreSQL login
#3782 opened by createyourpersonalaccount - 1
Docs: description leading to a 404 error
#3773 opened by romuald - 0
Docs: SerializationPluginProtocol example is cut off
#3778 opened by JacobCoffee - 0
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Bug: OpenAPI Security Scheme Override
#3774 opened by Forceres - 1
Bug: Inablity to select same value multiple times for a list of Enum parameter in get request
#3769 opened by abhishek-compro - 4
Enhancement: local state for websocket listeners
#3764 opened by olzhasar