- 1
Bug: Error with OdmanticModelFactory: AttributeError on _datetime.validate for Models with datetime Attributes
#618 opened by FlorianEisenbarth - 17
Enhancement: have Trait/HiddenField only there to feed the post_generate of other fields
#604 opened by MRigal - 0
Bug: handle_constrained_decimal not enforcing SQL numeric type precision properly
#634 opened by mgroenbroek - 0
`create_random_float` creates extremely constrained floats without maximum
#645 opened by WilliamDEdwards - 0
Docs: How to handle Callable types
#639 opened by cp2boston - 0
Bug: ModelFactory doesn't support pydantic EmailStr Field constraints
#642 opened by suspiciousRaccoon - 2
Bug: Random values from a base Enum
#640 opened by sander76 - 1
- 2
- 0
Bug: when using `get_provider_map` to override an abstract class, the abstract class is still wrongly instanciated
#627 opened by guillaume-alliander - 1
Enhancement: Support 3.13
#591 opened by adhtruong - 1
- 2
Bug: Imperative Factory Creation doesn't respect pydantic Field constrains
#617 opened by idan-rahamim-lendbuzz - 0
Enhancement: Support Pydantic `default_factory` that relies on previously validated data
#610 opened by ajstewart - 2
Bug: Support custom types providers for which there already exists a registered base factory
#607 opened by mjmaurer - 3
Enhancement: Sequence field
#593 opened by Pentusha - 1
- 0
Docs: Fix code quality links in README
#600 opened by adhtruong - 0
Bug: Docs preview for PRs not passing
#596 opened by adhtruong - 6
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
Bug: Strange behavior with self-reference model
#583 opened by FredrikBakken - 2
- 1
Enhancement: <title>
#582 opened by johnhungerford - 2
- 0
Bug: unexpected behavior with `seed_random`
#580 opened by guacs - 1
Bug: Custom Random instance passed to __random__ does not get passed to list/set fields
#553 opened by TheGrandmother - 0
- 1
Bug: pyright incompatability
#518 opened by adhtruong - 1
- 1
Bug: RecursionError With constrained 0 length lists
#566 opened by tom300z - 0
Enhancement: factory from json schema
#568 opened by Goldziher - 1
Bug: Validation Error in Pydantic model with optional list
#559 opened by RLC92 - 2
Bug: Optional lists in coverage produce nested lists
#526 opened by Vegemash - 1
- 0
- 3
SQLAlchemyFactory with foreign keys
#551 opened by vickypalani - 0
Any not supported in provider_map
#521 opened by guillaume-alliander - 0
Enhancement: switch to type-lens
#550 opened by guacs - 3
Bug: sqlalchemy factory `column_property` in `get_model_fields` not working
#528 opened by wangxin688 - 1
Enhancement: django orm base factory
#539 opened by mh-alahdadian - 0
- 0
Docs: Document functions/classes/methods that have no docstrings and are missing from the built docs
#531 opened by JacobCoffee - 1
Doubt in usage of polyfactory
#523 opened by vickypalani - 4
Bug: UUIDBase ID Value Changed from UUID to Bytes
#511 opened by junhopark97 - 0
- 1
Enhancement: Support for dictionaries with Pydantic models as value, e.g. dict[str, PydanticClass]
#512 opened by ErikvdVen - 4